Thanks for the replies. Caramel's urine does not show to have any blood in it. It also doesn't show to be chalky or cloudy. Since we changed his litter box, to one that he doesn't have to jump too high into, he has urinated on the condo floor less times. Out of those times, a few were right off the litter box edge. It's as if he didn't put his tush into the litter box.
Even with the sore hocks, which are healing, he still runs around when we give him his papaya 2x a day, as well give him fuzzes from the hay - he loves the fuzzes and thinks it is a treat.
He appears to be a very happy bunny.
I'm just wondering if the arthritis in his spine is getting worse and therefore, is having trouble getting into the litter box. Today we're going to start giving him Metacam everyday, as per the vet's suggestion, instead of every other day. Hopefully, that will help with any discomfort.
Any thoughts are appreciated.