Well-Known Member
[align=center]:heartbeat:Muffin "Sasquatch" Bunderson:heartbeat:
One year ago today, you came to your forever home with me and Tony. The road has been long, but you've warmed up to us and started trusting people again. I can't blame you--your previous owner kept you in a cold garage, constantly making you have babies and forgetting to feed and water you. You deserve better than that and I am glad I get to give you the wonderful life you deserve.
I will never forget how happy I was when you first started letting us pet you instead of running away from our hands, how you got Tony to groom you instead of you being his "slave", how you warmed up to that sassy boy bunny so quickly when nobun else would, how you talk to us with your many ear expressions, how you steal food from the dish and run away with it to make sure it's going nowhere but in your belly, and how soft, fluffy, and wonderful you are to hold and snuggle with.
You came to us scared, how you rule the house. Your ability to forgive people is amazing and I'm so glad to have you as my bunny.
Another pic from the first day home:
Look at her now!
With her man:
Fluffy Muffin relaxing:
Just a few days ago:

One year ago today, you came to your forever home with me and Tony. The road has been long, but you've warmed up to us and started trusting people again. I can't blame you--your previous owner kept you in a cold garage, constantly making you have babies and forgetting to feed and water you. You deserve better than that and I am glad I get to give you the wonderful life you deserve.
I will never forget how happy I was when you first started letting us pet you instead of running away from our hands, how you got Tony to groom you instead of you being his "slave", how you warmed up to that sassy boy bunny so quickly when nobun else would, how you talk to us with your many ear expressions, how you steal food from the dish and run away with it to make sure it's going nowhere but in your belly, and how soft, fluffy, and wonderful you are to hold and snuggle with.
You came to us scared, how you rule the house. Your ability to forgive people is amazing and I'm so glad to have you as my bunny.
Another pic from the first day home:

Look at her now!
With her man:

Fluffy Muffin relaxing:

Just a few days ago:
