Mother and 2 kitten/My current foster cat

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they are all so adorable, I hope they all do well and can go to loving homes, well done for taking them all in, I admire your kindness.
Kitten 2 is the one I want ;). Yeah right...I need another cat just like I need another hole in my head, right?! I have 3 of my own!

Well they are good tonight I am letting them chill a little. I have been doing twice a day eye cleanings and such so I am giving them a break tonight.

Moms milk really came in and she is able to keep them full now. They are so small compared to Echo's kittens at the same age.

Well I will update in a couple of days I have some work to do tomorrow for pipp and TF. That I have been putting off I know bad me.
We lost number four. I gave him the name angel for his death paper work at the shelter this morning.

Mom has been moving them and I went to put them back and found him with his bother passed away.

The other three are ok but he was the biggest and I thought strongest of the bunch.

I am watching the other little black on closely now. He is the smallest so I am very worried about him.

The kitten just fell asleep he looked very comfortable when I found him. So I don't think he was in any pain.

I found him pretty soon after wards to.

But other then that mom got her last dose of antibiotic today and I will be calling Lori about the other three tomorrow.
Sorry to hear about baby #4. That's tough, but I think that somehow in these situations, nature knows what's best. Maybe that's just my way of explaining it all.


I am having to feed Tiny the little black one yes I chose Tiny LOL he is so tiny.

Moms look alike is Lucky and the ginger one I have not come up with a name yet.

Picture taken this morning
So sorry for the loss. I fostered kittens for years and it is very common to experience "SKDS" (sudden kitten death syndrome). And often, it IS the biggest, healthiest one. Here's hoping the rest of the kits do well and go on to great homes.
Congratulations on having all those kitties to care for... I love the ginger kitty myself as I have a ginger cat here... Jeff is a rescue cat himself.

the other three kitten are on Amoxicillin for 14 days. Mom was wormed today and will be again in 14 days.

I am hoping they pull through I did find out they are 14 days old today so if I can get them to 4 weeks we are good.

2 weeks and they can go on solids if I really need them to.

They could go as early as 3 1/2 if push comes to shove.
All kitten are getting 10 mL every 6 hours now and mom is doing the rest. I got kitten food and KMR today so they are set for the four to 6 weeks they will be eating regular kitten food.
Well everyone is ok they have each received 15 mL of milk.

They eat again at 9 then they are set down for the night with mom. I will get some pictures tomorrow I promise.
I wanted to add. I woke up to two full bellies not just one. I feed them at 11 and put them with mom. The get up at 6 am every morning.

OJ of course has always had a full belly and Lucky had a full belly. As soon as I lifted the blanket Tiny came running at the bottle. He ate 15 mL on his own once they take to the bottle it is so much easier. I pulled the bottle cause his little tummy was getting really big and he is now asleep with his bothers.

So I will check Then again at 12 and feed who ever needs it. Oh Tiny has some fat on his today I can't feel his hip bones anymore.

I think these three are going to make it.

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