Morning all .. advice please on Mookie's eye problem.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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9 Ladies Stone Circle - Derbyshire, , United King
Mookie is a dwarf lop and has a runnyeye ... we thouht at first she may have got cold init and just bathed it in warm salt water. However, last nightwe noticed that the fluid from her eye has become a milky white and ifyou gently press her eye you can see it collect around her eyeball. Obviously we are taking her to the vets, but that's nottill this evening and I wondered if anyone had any opinion on what thismight be?

When her eye started to run a little, we moved the hay from her cageand put it in a hay rack just in case this was the cause of theproblem.

Other than this, she is in the plumpness of health !!

Many thanks .. Saffy.
Instead of salt water, I'd actually try green orblack tea. Just make up a pot and keep itrefridgerated (to keep bacteria away) between washings. Myvet told me that was healthier.

The symptoms sound familiar. I'm sure there's something about that in the Resource Center.

EDIT: I took a peek, and yup, there's a section about WhiteDischarge. Nothing to be concerned about. Check outthe symptoms and compare it, but you may not need to bother with a vet.

It's something that's prone to big-eyed dwarfs. Pipp (an ND)has one eye that always gets a goopy lump of hair init. Our daily grooming ritual includes me plucking itout. (It worked out that just grabbing it with my cleanfingers was less irritating than a kleenex or cloth, as long as mynails are short -- and they're usually almost non-existent.Can't stand typing with nails).

Check it out! Good luck!

sas and the warren :)
"Weepy Eye" can rapidly advance into a seriousinfection and possible loss of the eye. It's very importantto have a vet examine the eye and giveanaccuratediagnosis so proper treatment can begin.

I highly advise against using a home mixture of salt water to rinse theeye because of impurities in table salt (it's not meant to be put ineyes). A commercial saline solution is sterile and a muchsafer alternative.

We'll have to wait to see what the vet says, butit could be infected and would need medication. She alsocould have allergies and/or a clogged tear duct, which my Loki hasproblems with. Are her pellets or hay more dusty thannormal? Or if it's a clogged duct, the vet can flush it.
pamnock wrote:
"Weepy Eye" can rapidly advance into a serious infection andpossible loss of the eye. It's very important to have a vetexamine the eye and givean accuratediagnosis soproper treatment can begin.

I highly advise against using a home mixture of salt water to rinse theeye because of impurities in table salt (it's not meant to be put ineyes). A commercial saline solution is sterile and a muchsafer alternative.


:yeahthat to the vet!!
The vet checked Benji for any damage to his eye by putting some dye init. There was no damage so she gave us a salve to treat him forconjunctivitis and instructed us to use saline solution to clean hiseye. Strict instructions to keep him separate from the other buns wasalso given. His eyes were runny, but the fluid was clear and there wasno inflamation. She advised us to bring him back if the fluid thickenedor changed colors as this might be an indication of a more seriousinfection or possibly pasturella. She also said that it could also beclogged tear ducts.

In the end it turned out that Benji has alergies and is fine as long as his hay and pellets are dust free.


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