More questions about raising babies (kits)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2005
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Madison, Wisconsin, USA
My fuzzy lop gave birth to two kits on thursdaynight/friday morning. One is much bigger than theother. I've been checking on them every day and noticed thebigger one is getting bigger and the smaller one is stayingsmall. I searched the archives of this and other boards anddecided to take the kits out to take a good look at them.

I'm worried about the smaller one, but when I tried to feed itevaporated milk today with the medicine dropper it would have none ofit and had a lot of energy, grunting and squirming. It isabout half the size of it's litter mate. It has grown alittle bit, it's hair is starting to come in (it was born pink and isnow gray). I gently pinched the skin and it has goodelasticity (doesn't tent).

Getting the doe to force feed is out of the question. She isvery nervous and kicks alot when I'm holding her and freaked out when Igentlytouched her nipples. The doe seemslikea very good mom and jumps into the nesting box whenever Iopen the hutch door. As of today, the kits are fourdays old. Should I relax or is there a point where I shouldintervene and takemore persistent measures?

Thanks in advance to all who take time to reply. I'm new atthis forum and have enjoyed it very much. So much greatinformation!

I'll take pictures and post them if I can get a good one.
The doe has already covered the kits up again andshe's already quite nervous and annoyed with me as I think I'vedisturbed her enough already for the day.
i don't know much about this, maybe someone withmore experience in the field could help. it'll be interesting to seewhat they say, seeing as Bramble's pregnant and i'm new to the wholekindling thing. i've only learned what i've learned from various books.but, i wouldn't feed evaporated milk with an eye dropper. use rabbitformula and a baby bottle. you could cause ?pneumonia? if it gets intoher lungs.

thanks Fergi for the link to the Lazarusthread. I think I may have a peanut on my hands.:( I will try to get a good picture tomorrow.
Your welcome. I didn't want to say it so Ithought it would be better if you could compare with someone else whohas just went through this. I really hope that he/she is fine and justtaking a bit to catch up.

Please keep us posted.

Fergi's mom
Thanks for posting the picture of your peanutLanna. I have never seen one before. Its so sad that however much apeanut may fight, they will never make it :(

I'll be praying that yours is just a runt bojay and catches up with the rest soon.

lanna21974 wrote:
DaisyNBuster wrote:
Thanks for posting the picture of your peanut Lanna.I have never seen one before. Its so sad that however much a peanut mayfight, they will never make it :(

I'll be praying that yours is just a runt bojay and catches up with the rest soon.

I'll be praying Bojay's is just a runt too.

Normally I wouldnt post a pic of a peanut...but under the circumstancesI thought Bojay may be able to tell more from a pic than words. I knowwhen Grace (peanut pictured above) was born I surfed for days trying tofind a site with a picI could compare with so I could decidewhat she actually was.

No you did right to postLanna, at least bojay has somethingto compare too rather than having to search the net for a pic like youdid.

bojay wrote:
Getting the doe to force feed is out of the question. She isvery nervous and kicks alot when I'm holding her and freaked out when Igentlytouched her nipples. The doe seemslikea very good mom and jumps into the nesting box whenever Iopen the hutch door. As of today, the kits are fourdays old. Should I relax or is there a point where I shouldintervene and takemore persistent measures?

Try placing the doe on your lap on a towel. Give her a littletreat and slide the kit under her to nurse. Don't try turningthe doe over -- this is stressful, many does will kick and they may betoo nervous for the hormone response that causes the milk to "let down".

Kits can easily aspirate liquid whenbeing artificially fed, so it is best avoided if possible.

As of this morning, both kits are stillalive. It looks like the smaller one (we've named Triscuit)has been fed overthe night.

The doe is wary of me after yesterday and isn't likely to let me nearthe nesting box today. I'll temp her with a treat to see if Ican get a good look at them.

Thanks to all for the kind words and support.

In a way, I regret breeding her. I heardabout peanuts but didn't realize there was a one in four chance inoffspring. It's heartbreaking.
Things are looking up! (I think:)) I tricked the doe into letting me get her out of thehutch and took a quick snapshot of the kits on a towel I placed in thehutch along side the nesting box. I was so nervous I wasshaking so the picture isn't the greatest.

I do not think Triscuit is a peanut! He/she has a nice roundrump and the eyes aren't as bulgy. The gray colored one isthe kit I thought might be a peanut. The black one's featuresare hard to see in the photo.

I would appreciate your opinions.

Big difference in appearance than yesterday. (five days oldtoday) My, do these babies grow fast! It would be wonderfulif both were to grow up healthy.

Please look at the photo and tell me what you think. I think they are adorable.

They are both adorable. I would say that Triscuitshould catch up. He/She is about the size of my first runt Kovu and hegrew up quite nicely. Plump tummies are always a good sign and hedoesn't appear to be shriveled at all.

Raising kits is a worrying time for us human Mummy's, I hope Triscuit pulls through.


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