More pictures of my funny bunnies

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All these bunnies are too cute!;) It'sso nice that they all have such loving homes! Here's my babygirlRuby. Sheis spoiledrottenand is the queen of the house! She jumps onmy dogs back anychance she gets and she'll groomher. It's quite funny to watch! ( I have 2 bunnies, but Ihaven't downloaded Sophie's pictures yet)



Ga Thumper wrote:
Hello BunnyLover,

My Bunnies have the run of back yard.I have a fenced in backyard with rabbit fence on the inside on the fence. The rabbit fence tokeep rabbits in, to me this is better than in a cage. I have heard somany horror stories about rabbits getting there feet chewed off, dogsgetting in cages and just dying form pure heat exhaustion. I do have tokeep and eye out for cats and birds. Dogs don't bother as bad becauseit would be hard for them to get across the fence.

I would rather have them in the atmosphere that they are in, than in acage. They may fight every now and then, but I guess that is whatbunnies do, but they do run like crazy and then they will just stop intheir tracks and "PLOP" down. They are so funny to watch, running,binkies, rolling on the ground or just relaxing against a tree oranother bunny. I wish more people could enjoy their bunnies in the typeof "Habitat"

You are so LUCKY!! We are building them a run butright now they have trust issues so we really can't let them go outsidewhere we can't get ahold of them or we would never see themagain!!:DRight now they have huge cages! As big as we couldfind that was still one story! We try to take them out alot but it ishard with my schedule!!
OMG! All your buns are adorable! I got to takemore pics of Emmy relaxing and posting them up here ;)It'sgreat to have your buns roam around your ultimate huge backyard! Oursisnt that big..but hopefully Emmy will run around and slip out of thegate :X
I had more bunnies come out Sunday, goodness 6more!! I calculated wrong the other day, had 8 then 5 more..13 now 6more ..19.. I don't know what happened the the other 3 from litterbefore this on. But this new litter is colored up just BEAUTIFUL...They will all be named after Bambi Charactures:

Caramel colored is Thumper The stripped one is Flower, pretty huh

They are so gorgeous, Ga_Thumper.

I really enjoy your pictures. :)

As you should be proud. They're beautiful and you give them a lovely life.

Wow, they are sooo adorable! And very happy looking :D

Just curious, but how are you going to handle population growth?