More pictures of my funny bunnies

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Hello BunnyLover,

My Bunnies have the run of back yard.I have a fenced in backyard with rabbit fence on the inside on the fence. The rabbit fence tokeep rabbits in, to me this is better than in a cage. I have heard somany horror stories about rabbits getting there feet chewed off, dogsgetting in cages and just dying form pure heat exhaustion. I do have tokeep and eye out for cats and birds. Dogs don't bother as bad becauseit would be hard for them to get across the fence.

I would rather have them in the atmosphere that they are in, than in acage. They may fight every now and then, but I guess that is whatbunnies do, but they do run like crazy and then they will just stop intheir tracks and "PLOP" down. They are so funny to watch, running,binkies, rolling on the ground or just relaxing against a tree oranother bunny. I wish more people could enjoy their bunnies in the typeof "Habitat"


They are all so precious, but I really love it when they lay on each other like in this picture.


Fess up, Ga Thumper, the rabbits in this post aren't real. What a content, happy, and loving warren you run!


Ga Thumper wrote:
More..... I wishI could post more than 1 picture.Here is CJ, Checkers Junior.... I hope you enjoy mypicturesas muchI enjoyed taking them.


Based on your pictures, I do believe your bunnies aredead.:p;)I love the "dead bunny flops"--it's got tobe the cutest thing on earth.

Thanks for sharing!! Lucky you with 18!

Great pictures of your bunnies. How doyou mange to get such close pictures? My brother likes thepicture ofyour male bunny Sunflower.
Your bunnies are absolutely ADORABLE! I thinkit's really cool that you keep them all together outside. What a lifethey must have! ;)
Yes, the males fight each other, and the femalebite at the other females and pull their hair out. But that is what ishould expectin this type of habitat. They usually just chaseeach other around the yard. But that is what bunnies do :(.

[align=center]Here is a picture of "Petal", she looks like Rosebud when she was little[/align]
Omg i love your bunnys..I want them alllol.I only have 2 females and they dont fight. Thumper acts like Faythmommy and scoles her when she dose something bad.Lol. I want more but ithink i have my hands tied since fay and thumper are stillbabys.thumper is 6 months and fays 10-11 weeks and she is wild hyper! itake them outside to play and thumper stays by me and dont go to faraway.fay runs and jumps and only comes back when thumpr chases her tome or i go out and get her i have a BIG back yard thats fencedin.

Hi Thump,

You say you let them outside? If you let them outside i recommend youget rabbit fence from Lowes and put on the inside of the other fence,because when they get bigger they will get more curious and will bethrough that fence. That way they will have a hard time getting out andthe reason they are not fighting is because they aren't big enoughright now and no males to fight over. I hope you will enjoyyour bunnies as much as i do mine.

I will put in another picture :pThis is a picture of my dominate male "Sunflower".

I like the pictures of Petal. Are theblack ones babies too? I like to see the otherbabies. If they get outside the first fence, how dothey do it? Jumping over or digging under? Thanksfor the pictures again.

Rainbows! :)