More pictures of my funny bunnies

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What an adorable picture! :D

Here is a pic of my bunn relaxing...


Here is Sunflower, bottom, male, and Rosebud,top, female, notice she has her front legs in a hole in the yard, theyare so cute. I love to watch my bunnies running around in my back yard,they are such a treat :D.

More..... I wishI could post more than1 picture. Here is CJ, Checkers Junior.... I hope you enjoy mypicturesas muchI enjoyed taking them.

if you add your pic to and thenclick the little "image" button when you are posting, then add thepictures URL and you can add as many pics as you want to a post.

These are some really awesome pictures. Iagree we definitely need more pictures. How are the babies? I bet theyare so big.

before I go any further Who is this? OMG! Look at that face Ilove these cheeks. I just want to smoosh and kiss that face.


I am lousy at explaining how to post multiple pics. There is apost called Pictures and Avatars that I will bump up for you. It tellsyou step by step.

15 and counting, I just had 8 new babies come outof the den, butI haven't seen 3 of them, but if they comeback out then it will be 18. Hereare some more pictures...
Ga Thumper wrote:
Here is a kiss from "Fantasia" to you. He is one of myprettiest bunnies!!
He is Gorgeous. I know you told us what kind of bunnies theyare but I can't find the post. What kind is he? He's so cool. He has alop face but up ears uh, I'm in love. His markings are awesome and myoh my that face. I have to find a Fantasia of my own. I mean seriously.Wow!

Can Fantasia come to my house to visit?;)Indefinitely

Tina, Thank you for the compliments on Fantasia,she is one of my prettiest bunnies. Her parents were both mini lops,but Spice, her mom I belive has Hare in here, I bought her inFlagstaff, Arizona. But Fantasia's ears do stick up!! So does anotherone of my bunnies ears stand up. Here isa pictureofRosebud relaxing on a rock.
I'm sorry I thought Fantasia was aboy .Sorry pretty girl.

Rosebud is also really gorgeous. I am just loving the lop facesand up ears. Rosebud's coloring and markings are exquisite too. I am sogoing to have to look for a bunny like yours. I can't get ovet it. Ilove them.


Sorry, I said she about Fantasia, "he" is a boy. Rosebud is a girl. Iam glad you like my bunnies. Here are pictures of Fantasia and Rosebud"Relaxing". :cool:
They are exquisite looking. They seem somellow and carefree. I am going to start looking for some like yours. Iadore the lop faces and up ears they are precious. Give those twokisses for me. How very cute.


Thank you for sharing them with us.
Ga Thumper wrote:
I hope you enjoy my picturesas muchI enjoyed taking them.
We sure do enjoy your pictures. Any more pictures of Petaland the other babies? The picture of Fantasia it a telephoto lens that you are using?

Rainbows! :)
I love your bunnies they are so cute!:)!! I can'twait to see more and of course we love to look at pictures!! So, youhave 18 bunnies!! That is alot! I wish I had that much and could letthem out of their cage in the yard and let them play together! SO :X!

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