MooShu and her lump

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As of tomorrow, it's been a week since Moosh's cyst was aspirated.

I believe it has reformed.
Same size....same feel.....same area effected.

It doesn't seem to be bothering her.
It was most definitely swollen and sensitive during the last few days.

She's now acting as if nothing is wrong....she's even using her litter pan again.
It may have been bothering her enough to keep her from hopping into the pan.

I'm going to keep an eye on it, and will be making plans accordingly.
We'll most likely be going to see Dr.C. for a follow-up exam, when he gets back.
DeniseJP wrote: wishes for MooShu's recovery.

She is a beautiful rabbit!

Hugs to MooShu and S'More -


Thanks, Denise.

She really is a pretty rabbit...even ignoring what she says about herself ;)
I wish we knew what breed her daddy was.
Jim, didn't one of your others have that same situation? (remember I'm old and have the flu so my brain isn't doing well....)

Chippy! didn't she have it come back and then have to have it removed?
ThatWAS Chippy with multiple cycts
cannot believe that this is happening to another of your rabbit's
it is strange...

Another wearing problem but it probably will resolve with treatment

It makes you wonder if there isn't something doing it. Rabbits are so unique that we don't really know what might cause a cyst like that to appear in them, ya know? Maybe if the sun shines on their fur on the wrong day of January ..... it's just weird.

I just have to say that if it's not cancerous we gotta be thankful.... just get better little mooshie!'s back.

We'll deal with matter what.

A big difference is that Chippy has an inner strength that lends itself to those involved.

Little Mooshie is somewhat the opposite....and needs the strength of those around her to cope.
She's a lot like her mommy...S'more.

"little mooshie" is looking and acting okay.

***off to gather whatever skills it takes...may the powers be with me ***
I've been doing a bunch of research on the internet about fatty cysts....
....well, trying to anyways....

My internet kept going down at work, and everybody called out sick at work today so I "flew solo". I've had the flu for the last 2 days...***whinewhinewhinesss***. I only have "half-info" at best.

In some cases, it seems the cystshave a higher chance of reforming due to diet.
It's something about the kidneys not being able to filter out the fatty acids from the bloodstream.

I need to some more studying to get a better what kind of dietary fats are suspect...what kind of foods contain those fats...etc.


Anyone have any input?
It would be most welcomed!
Jim, this sounds very interesting.

Do you sometimes feel we are, as bunny owners, unknown research scientists? It seems like trial and error are the way most are still learning with bunnies.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Do you sometimes feel we are, as bunny owners, unknown research scientists?

I wanted to be an Oceanographer.... until I found out bunnies don't live in the sea.


Would that make us Bunnyographers?


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