MooShu and her lump

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Haven't gone yet.

Our appointment is at 6:45p (EST)

I called to see if there was any chance of getting in earlier. No can do.

Our appt is booked 15 minutes before they close, so I think they squeezed us in.
This could be a late night.

I was hoping it would be over and you'd tell me that it was a fatty lump when I got in from work.


I've been following this thread from the start, but not posted yet for some reason...

I really really hope you get good news at the vets! I will be thinking of you tonight until I come back online in the morning...

You and MooShu take care :hug:
Here I am!

Sorry about not posting when I left.
The computer had a virus and I was running a found a nasty worm....and got rid of it...yay!

We got back about an hour ago.
I settled Moosh in, and fed all the buns.
She seems to be fine, and did really well with the carrier, car ride, etc.
Last I saw she was picking all the treats out of her bowl....
and then she pooped and peed on her blankie***"take that, daddy!!!"***

And then I had some supper myself....I was starving!!!


First off....Dr.C thought MooShu was "gorgeous"!!
And he knew she was a dutch mix just by the shape of her head! I was impressed....considering she looks nothing like a dutch.

Heopted to drain the mass.

It had actually gone all the way up into her shoulder from her side.
He did a fine needle aspiration and drained a little over 10cc.
Moosh was the best. They said she just sat there while he did anesthesia.

He did a micro analysis of the sample and determined that it was benign!!!!!!!
Mostly fatty cells.
In vet lingo, he called it a "preliminary gross morphology/cytology lipoma" and recommended no further action unless it reformed.


*I literally have teared up here! I was so worried! and now so relieved!*

Yay! That's what I thought itwas! Great that your vet was able to drain it without anesthesia. Go relax ... you've earned it!

Kathy Smith
krsbunny wrote:
Yay! That's what I thought itwas! Great that your vet was able to drain it without anesthesia. Go relax ... you've earned it!

Kathy Smith

Thanks, Kathy!
....and a belated "Welcome to the RO Forum!!"

Dr.C has skills and compassion that are seldom found...and I am truly blessed to have found him.

Relaxing sounds nice!
I've been kicked back for a bit, and will be going down shortly to tuck the buns in for the night.
***I think they deserve an extra bedtime story tonight***
WOOT!!!! I've been worried about Mooshu and you, Jim. You handle these things so well....I'd have been out of my mind by now....thank goodness your sweetie is doing well... we'll keep praying that it's gone for good. Dr. C. is my hero! Wonder if we could bun-nap him to come to PA???hmmmmmm
naturestee wrote:
Thank goodness! I am so happy for you and MooShu!

Thanks, Angela.

She's doing great!
She's groomed herself up nicely. There's just a small area that they shaved.....otherwise you'd never know what she'd been through.
And she gotSO excited when I offered hera piece of papaya at bedtime. :biggrin2:

I'm so proud of her!!

JimD wrote:
He did a fine needle aspiration and drained a little over 10cc.
Moosh was the best. They said she just sat there while he did anesthesia.

He did a micro analysis of the sample and determined that it was benign!!!!!!!
Mostly fatty cells.
In vet lingo, he called it a "preliminary gross morphology/cytology lipoma" and recommended no further action unless it reformed.
Yes, that's what Hazel had too. I'm so happy for you and MooShu, Jim!
And aren't we sooo proud of them when they behave perfectly at the vets :biggrin2:.


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