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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hutto, Texas, USA
Ok, you most have heard me 'talk' about the newzealand whites I am having trouble getting rid of. Well, now theprevious owner wants me to pay her $75 because that is what she paidfor the rabbits! Plus, having to buy food and a cage! Now I know thatis a good price for 4 bunnies and a cage but I am THIRTEEN! Come onwhere does she think I can get that money from! I offered her $37because that is all I have but she said she will give me one rabbit forthat price plus the cage! Now what do I tell Gypsy, who is planning ontaking them to New Hampshire!
No one is going to give her $75 forthem. Bluff her and tell her you are going to have to passbecause you don't have the money and nursing them back to good healthwill be expensive. My guess is that she'll come around forthe $37.

Thanks for all the offers! That is great! I toldher she was going to have a hard time finding people to pay that foremaciated rabbits! Even if they are pure bred New Zealand! I wouldaccept the donations from paypal but I don't know how to use it... Anyadvice! I told her to hold them and I may get the money, but she isasking now for $20 a rabbit and posting up signs and asking peopletobuy them. I was really upset she is charging me since Ireally think these bunnies need a new home and they need it fast. Shehates them anyways. Her mom is making her charge for them though!:(

I agree with Pam, bluff her.

For gawsh sake as you say you are 13!!!!
I have a 12 yr old daughter who gets $10.00 a week pocket money if shedoes her chores, so how the heck are you going to come up with 75????

Maybe get your family to try talking to her after you have and see how you go.

Good luck darlin' I hope it all works out and you come up with an agreement.:D
THANKS EVERYBODY! It really means a lot peopledon't just think this is their problem (my mom), My mom says it istheirproblem but I say it is not the bunnies fault they haveirresponsible parents. I get $20 a month for allowance so it would takeme a while. I don't think anyone will buy them and when she runs out ofpeople to ask she will come ask me again to take them. I have a newaddition to the family, a mini-Rex that I call Reese. Though I am notsure I spelt that right! Like the candy bar?

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