Moist fecals (not cecals)

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Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
What can cause moist and spongy fecal pellets (not cecals) in rabbits? My newly adopted gets "poo foot" from standing on his fecals when former rabbits have not had this problem. Also, I'm wondering if this is an indicator of a health-related problem...?

I've reduced his veggie and pellet intake, but no change (possible reduction, but I'm not sure). Former rabbits did not receive pellets and veggies/greens were only given irregularly as treats which is why I thought the greens/pellets were the culprit. I don't want to take him completely off unless it really is the problem. He received unlimited hay.

how old is the bunny and how long have you had it? also, are you feeding the same brand of pellets he was eating before? any sudden change in diet can cause moist poops, particularly in younger rabbits.
I've had him since May and he's about 2 years old. I very gradually reduced his greens and pellets. I also switched the brand of pellets gradually (a different brand of pellets, but both are timothy based). I don't know if his fecals have always been moist or if I just noticed it later, but they have been this way for at least a couple months.
I recommend a hay and water diet (no pellets or greens) for about a week to see if his poop shows any signs of improvement. if it doesn't, it's probably time for a vet check-up. if it does, gradually wean him back onto pellets to see if the problems arise again or if he continues to be ok (I suggest pellets before greens because you can get a quick yes/no answer as to whether they cause any problems without the potential for needing a lot of trial and error.

once you know whether or not pellets are contributing to the problem, start re-introducing greens one at a time (with a few days in between adding each veggie back into his diet) - if veggies are the problem, it could be all veggies or it could just be certain ones which is why it's important to do one at a time and space them out.
Oh boy, he sure will hate this. No treats? This little guy lives for treats :) Thanks for the advice. I may try just eliminating the greens first and see if there's a difference so he doesn't completely despair. Thanks again.
yeah, chances are he won't be too thrilled, lol... it's really the only way to figure out what's causing the problems, though.
Do you happen to know if it is actually a sign of something wrong (or just an annoyance for me since it soils his feet)? They are still nice plump, round poops - not runny or anything. They just tend to be a little moist and squishy/spongy. Have you experienced this before?
So are they mooshy so that when he steps on them they stick to his fur? It could be something other than diet related as well. If it doesn't get fixed by changing the diet, then you may need to see the vet, to check if it's a parasite or bacterial problem.
I would say squishy rather than mushy, and they are moist to the touch. When he steps on them they flatten out and leave his feet darkish brown. The poops don't stick to his feet but the residue and moisture from them does. If I don't regularly cover them with hay (I usually do 2-4x per day) it can get to the point where he can leave a light trail of foot prints.

My former buns poops were really dry. I don't remember having this kind of problem. My girl had white feet and they stayed relatively white till she was very old and incontinent, but as I said, they did not receive pellets and greens and veggies were only an occasional treat, so I'm not sure if this is normal for veggie/pellet eating rabbits.
it isn't normal, but it does happen. I don't remember who it is, but we've got one member who's got a bunny that's on a hay and water diet because his poops were always abnormal if he ate even a little bit of veggie. like humans, some bunns have a more delicate digestive system than others.
Are they mucousy? I have read that mucousy poops can be very early signs of GI stasis. Not saying that's what it is for sure, but i would definetly cut back on treats and pellets and increase hay as much as you can.

Good luck!

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