What can cause moist and spongy fecal pellets (not cecals) in rabbits? My newly adopted gets "poo foot" from standing on his fecals when former rabbits have not had this problem. Also, I'm wondering if this is an indicator of a health-related problem...?
I've reduced his veggie and pellet intake, but no change (possible reduction, but I'm not sure). Former rabbits did not receive pellets and veggies/greens were only given irregularly as treats which is why I thought the greens/pellets were the culprit. I don't want to take him completely off unless it really is the problem. He received unlimited hay.
I've reduced his veggie and pellet intake, but no change (possible reduction, but I'm not sure). Former rabbits did not receive pellets and veggies/greens were only given irregularly as treats which is why I thought the greens/pellets were the culprit. I don't want to take him completely off unless it really is the problem. He received unlimited hay.