Misty is in Stasis

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It really feels like I'm going through this withyou. Not only was I worrying about my babies last night, Iwas worrying about Misty and you. Is she going to pull out ofthis?
My thoughts and prayers are still with you both...


Tina finally decided that it was time to put thebaby down last night at about 1:30 a.m. She gave her 2.5Vicodin and some Tylenol. On a "normal" rabbit, she would'vegone off to sleep in about 15 minutes and it would've been over.

Not on Misty. She's still alive!

She's unbelieveable, and only 10 weeks old.

Carolyn wrote:
Not on Misty. She's still alive!

She's unbelieveable, and only 10 weeks old.

Corky wasn't much older than that when his ordeal began...you'd besuprised at the will these young ones have to live.....she's stillfighting...I know this is horrible for Tina...but it would be so greatif Misty pulled thru this!!!

Still in my thoughts....
OMG!!! I can't believe she's stillgoing after that. It must have been such a difficult decisionfor Tina. How awful for her.

Misty is still proving to be quite the fighter.

Hi Tina, I've beenreading all thesewonderful messages to you last evening & thismorning. Bunny people are really one of a kind.

I've had tears reading everything you & Misty have been goingthru. I have said many prayers for you & Misty.

Carolyn wrote:
Tinafinally decided that it was time to put the baby down last night atabout 1:30 a.m. She gave her 2.5 Vicodin and someTylenol. On a "normal" rabbit, she would've gone off to sleepin about 15 minutes and it would've been over.

Not on Misty. She's still alive!

She's unbelieveable, and only 10 weeks old.

WHAT!!! OMG!!!

I completely misunderstood your pm Carolyn!!!!!!!!!

You've got to know that I'm praying harder than ever now!

Do you think it's possible forbunnies to have "out of body experiences" ?? I'll pm you why I'm asking.
JimD wrote:
Doyou think it's possible forbunnies to have "out of bodyexperiences" ??

Reading your messages on the phone to Tina and when I read this, she said, "Well she's having one now!"

Maybe Misty just isnt ready yet.. I hope that'sa good sign.. This must be so hard for you Tina.. Hang in there.Everyone is pulling for Misty and thinking about you and yoru family.

I cannot believe this is happening! Yesterday the last I read she had rebounded from GI, then seemed to have slipped back.

Then this.

I am so sorry, Tina. I wish there was something I could do for you. Myheart is breaking for Misty right now. :( That little girl is afighter, that's for sure.
OMG !!!

Im in shock ! It really sounds like she is a miracle baby. GO Misty, Go Misty !!!!

Carolyn - Please tell Tina, that People on RW are keeping them both inthoughts and Prayers. They are also sending positive vibes.
I decided last night that Misty had, hadenough. She was in extreme pain, cold, unmoving and unresponsive. Sherefused everything I tried to give her. She was grinding her teeth sohard and so loud it could be heard over the tv.

I didn't want her to pass in a vet's office. I wanted to makeher transition as worry and fear free as possible. The vet and a friendboth told me how to do it so it wouldn't hurt her. With my heartbroking, tears falling so hard I cold barely see, I crushed the pillsand mixed it into her next dose of Tylenol. We held her tight, kissedand hugged and told her it was ok. She was a brave girl and we wouldalways love her.

Giving it to her was the Most Difficult thing I have ever donein all my life. I held her in my arms until 4am. I laid her in ablanket in her cage and Jeremy watched over her.I brought hercage next to me on the couch so she could see me at all times and Iher.I can't believe it but exhaustion caught up with me and Ifell asleep.

I woke up this morning thinking I failed. I wasn't there forher when she needed me the most. I jumped up to check onher and she isstill alive. I picked her up and she snuggled right into my neck.Despite everything she isn't ready to go yet. I am keeping her ascomfortable as possible and just taking it minute by minute at thispoint. I will keep you all posted.

I can't thank you enough. It's been amazing the out pouring oflove, support, prayers and thoughts you have shown to me and Misty andour family. If it wasn't for all of you I truly don't know how we wouldhave made it this far. Thank you all. I know I can never pay you backfor all you have done for us. All I can say is with all myheart...thank you.

Tina, you've been through a lot. Ihope she still makes it through- she sounds like a fighter.James was just telling me that maybe the aspirin helped lessen thestroke? It can do that in humans.

And no, you could never fail her. No matter what happens, yougave her a much better life than she was bound for if she had stayed atthat petshop.
Wow, that Misty is such a fighter. Whateverhappens in the long run Tina, you must know you have done everythingyou can and shewill be waiting for you with millions ofkisses if she crosses. You will remain in my thoughts andprayers.:angel:

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