Misty is in Stasis

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Personally I would not give up yet.She may stabilize and then recover some. You just don'tknow. But if she continues to go downhill you really have nochoice.

Mr. Z is on meds for some stasis but not as sever as yours.He is wearing me out giving him meds, a wrestling match three times aday.


My heart has hit the floor. I am so sorry you are goingthrough this Tina. I sent you a private message. Ifyou need to talk, please call me.



Naturestees husband here.
I have no clue how storkes affect rabbits, but I do know ALOT aboutstrokes involving humans. After a stroke a patient is mostvolnurable for 24 hours, then has about 3-4 day period of high risk forremission. BUT after a week the patient will shows some signsof improvment (mind you not 100% or near it) and will regain some ofthe losses the stroke induced (balance, speech, sight, hearing,paralysis). I don't mean to scare, but toencourage. Hang in there Tina and Misty. As long asyou both fight it, there is still hope!! Please hang inthere!:pray::pray:

I'm so sorry. Her kidneys are probably shutting down at this point. Keep her comfortable and warm.

Pam :(
Tina, I'm sorrythings are so rough.Listen towhat Naturesteeshusband said and keep praying. I know humans and bunnies aren't thesame, but HOPE is still alive and well. Like Pam said, keep hercomfortable. You will know what is the right thing to do. Misty willfight with you until she doesn't have it in her anymore. Prayers comingfrom here.


Oh, my goodness I just woke up and I can'tbelieve this. She was fighting so hard! I stillthink there's a chance and I will be praying very hard for the both ofyou.

Angela and Co.
Oh dear Tina...

I'm so sorry. I want you keep hope alive. I wish I could be there foryou. You have my number, and you call me ANY time you need to talk, ornot talk...

We all love Auntie Tina over here in the Jungle, and it breaks our hearts to see you and Misty this way. I will pray for you.

all our love tina, and Misty,


I haven't PM'd you because I figured you'd have a ton of them...butplease know you're in our prayers and we're continuing to pray forhealing.

Tinas area isunder Severe Thunderstorm Watchtonight , She wont be able to be on line tillthe Weather clears some. According to Doppler Radarit looks nasty .

Please continue prayers forlittle Misty and for Tina ,.They both need all the help theycan get ThankYou Everyone .
I spoke to Tina about an hour and 2 hours ago.Misty was very cold and Tina cuddled her up into her shirt to warm her.She got warmer and when Tina put her down, she was having anotherseizure and Tina, of course, had to go.

As Gypsy said, they're under a severe thunderstorm attack right now with 80 mph winds.

Tina vows that Misty won't be alone when she dies. She knows that it'sa matter of time before she passes. It's tiring and stressful forMisty. She's asked Buck to greet her and hug her with kisses that shecan't give when she gets there.

Buck and Tina had a bond and when I said, "He'll be there because heknows what it's like to be 'one of us'." Her reply was, "He isone of us."

:angel: :bunnyangel: :rainbow:

Hug, love, and appreciate Every Day you have with your little ones.


There is such peace in knowing Buck's arms areopen and waiting for Misty to come to him over the Rainbow Bridge.? Shewill be free of any pain or discomfort......she will frolic and binkwith the other bunnies and I can almost hear Buck's laugh as he watchesMisty join in with the other bunnies........and with him.? Misty hadlife and now has a better life, better than we can even dream of!!!?

Hey, Buck, Misty is looking for you......tell her some great stories!!!

wow, Tina, I am SO sorry I missed this. That'sawful. It wasawful watching Pandemonium wheezing yesterday,because it's so hard to know what's best to do.

I know you'll be there for her....God bless and lots of love.

I wish there was more I could say to lend comfort....it is such a feeling of helplessness, reading about this....

Misty and Tina, you are both in my prayers...



With tears in my eyes, I write this tolet you all know Misty is fading. She is trying so hard to be brave buther time here with me seems to be drawing to an end. She is refusingeverything but the Tylenol. She has had another seizure since Carolynposted an update for me.

I will keep you all updated as much as I can. I am spending asmuch time with her as possible. I just hope I can ease her transition.I want her last memory to be of home and love. Of strong arms holdingher, soft hands stroking that little head, the warmth of a kiss.

Buck, when she gets there with you could you please give herlots of kisses that I won't be able to any more, Hold her to you andtell her that even though her mom is so sad and crying that I willalways love her and she will always be in my heart. I missyou my friend.


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