Misty, Charlie and Oliver's Crawl Space

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Oh, Oliver is just adorable, and he looks such a happy little boy. I think he does have a similar shape to Misty when she was younger - very petite :).

Sounds like he has made himself right at home straight away, and he couldn't have found a better mommy and daddy :D

So... it looks like I have yet another trouble bun on my hands. I got bitten a couple times today.

Apparently it is bad for me to pick his poops up off the floor where he thoughtfully left them to mark my spare bedroom as his own.

When I run my hands on the floor, he charges and bites. He flinches when we move our hand straight at his head, so I've been doing it slowly, and every time I do, I make sure it's to give him head rubs which he loves, so I'm sure he'll get over that in time.

I smelled like Misty and Charlie when I went down to the room today and he spent about 5 minutes charging and grunting. uh oh. I thought my guys were going to be the trouble.... but maybe it will be Oliver.

So, because I am mean spirited... I brought down one of Misty and Charlie's used litter boxes and plunked it right smack in the middle of "his" territory.

After pooping in it for about 20 minutes, he calmed down.

Oh, and he sprayed pee on me and has been circling me.... this is how it starts, and I'm going to be humped for the next 2 months, I know it. I'm going to pretend he's 5 months when I take him to the vet. LOL. Honestly - he doesn't look 3 months, and the shelter said they *think* he's 3 months.... but I remember what Misty and Charlie looked like at 3 months, and he doesn't have that baby bunny look. He's definately under 6 months I would say, but older than 3. So maybe the vet will neuter him right away.

Check his man bits!! If he's got two little packages, take him to the vets!

Tell the vet that you just adopted him from the shelter and he is of unknown age but he has testicles so you want him neutered.

If he's spraying already, my bet is he's got balls...

Oliver is adorable! That is so exciting that you got another bunny!! It sounds like that is the type of behaviour that will stop once he's neutered. I'll be interested to hear the progress on trying to bond him to your other two...we've contemplated getting a third, and it will be interesting to hear how your pair does with another bun because my pair seem very similar to yours in personality. Keep the pics coming!!!
aurora369 wrote:
Check his man bits!! If he's got two little packages, take him to the vets!

Tell the vet that you just adopted him from the shelter and he is of unknown age but he has testicles so you want him neutered.

If he's spraying already, my bet is he's got balls...


Oh he's all ready for the snipping. I checked him out the first day we got him and they're there! I will tell the vets we don't know how old he is because for some reason they insist on them being 5 months. *shrug*. I'm also considering taking him somewhere else, because my regular vet still uses regular stitches that have to be removed and cuts through the abdomen... which I found odd...

Weird. My vet pulls the testicle out the back of the sacks and just puts a bit of glue on the wound. No extra visit to remove stitches.

Doesn't hurt to call around and see if you can find some other vets. I have a couple of back up vets in case I can't get into my usual vet.

Congrats on the new addition Nadia, Oliver is adorable! :adorable:

We need more pictures of him! :biggrin2:

~Michaela, Ebony, Pebble, Madison & Angel Bunny Berri~

Oh my goodness, I've been away from the site too long. Oliver is so adorable!!!!

Congrats on the new addition to your family. Love the name, and he's so cute!!

Yeah I would have him snipped if his bits are showing. Call around to other vets as well, going through the abdomen seems to be more invasive and not necessary-they should use dissolvable stiches as well.

When I brought Nigel here from that Chicago rescue they said he was 3 months. He looked at least 4, maybe 5 and his stuff was showing so I booked the appt and it went fine. I think the sooner the better :)

Any more pics?




I call this picture "HELLO WORLD!"

Oliver harassing Neil with neck kisses


And the other poopsters




I forgot how cute Oliver is! In some of those pics his face reminds me of Misty. In some he even looks a lot like my Lucy (especially with the white underbelly).

Do we know what breed he is? Looks like maybe a dwarf mix?

I love this one:


How can you resist that face?

And Misty and Charlie are looking gorgeous as always. I still think you should put craisins down the aisle at your wedding :biggrin2:
Love the new pics! They are going to make an adorable trio! I need more pics of Charlie!!!!

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