Miss.Muppet here....I have somethings to say.

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Mar 9, 2011
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Tacoma WA, , USA
So I saw the petition and a lot of you think I might not be a real bun.
Mommy says I iz a bun. My ears are long and my nose is wiggly....

I has big bunny feetz and I keep my ears and feetz washed with my front paws...
But Fraggles does not thinks I am a bun at all.... But in fact a real Muppet.

I admit that I was given the cilantro and Fraggles was not given any but mommy says its cause Fraggles got into a grocery bag and ate most of a bunch of cilantro.

I did not mean to move into Fraggles house it just kinda happened and I try not to eatz to much stuffs and be a good bunny....But I guess I am just a Muppet and should not be on the bunny chat....

So I will go :nerves1
But please let the other "Muppets" stay....Daisy Mae,Nala,Houdini,Vegas and all the rest of the Muppets..... They had no part in eating Fraggles cilantro.....

Thank you for listening
Miss. Muppet.....:sad:
I haz a muppet for a friend and sometimes she eated some of my cilantro but you don't see me petitioning to get rid of her! I bit Fraggles on the bootie for saying I should get rid of my "muppet" friend:

I fink you should maked a petition to get rid of anti-muppet bullies from da bunny chat. we would sign it!
Don't let Fraggles bully you Muppet. She's just jealous 'cause she's not a muppet.
I say you should start a ban on Fraggles. She iz a big fat bully and needz to be nice to you. Youiz a bun not a Muppet. Muppet iz just a name so tell her to be nice and go ahead and post away.
Oh Miss Muppet, you has got to stay. You is so cute and fuzzy. Fraggles is just be mean because although she is big and beautiful, she is not soft and fuzzy like you. I didn't sign it either, as I has many muppet friends. Fraggles should be thanking you for eating that yuckky disgusting cilantro. I personally hates the stuff.
I don't fink Fraggles petition is void. Maybe fraggles would like you better if you stopped eatting all her treats and got a buzz cut. Maybe is she was getting all the treats she got before you got there and didn't have to share, she wouldn't have had to help herself. Just sayin'. My humommy tinks you muppets are beutious, I have to stand beside fraggles on dis one or else I might get invaded too. Sorry.
I dare you tell Fraggles she is a bum and not a bun, Where is she anyways, Shouldn't she be here to defend herself! - Chloe.

I am just looking out for me too. I don't wantz momma to get a muppet to take my treats and my pets away. It scares me.
Gracie here! I think Muppet should stay and Fraggles petition be void. I would much rather have a bun that eats all the treats than one that loves the printer and humps cats...just saying...thats weird
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*human steps in, grabs squabbling rabbits, and puts them in time out*

They can't agree over who gets to reply. They want to say opposite things. However, they both agree if they get to share your treats, you can stay.

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