So I saw the petition and a lot of you think I might not be a real bun.
Mommy says I iz a bun. My ears are long and my nose is wiggly....
I has big bunny feetz and I keep my ears and feetz washed with my front paws...
But Fraggles does not thinks I am a bun at all.... But in fact a real Muppet.
I admit that I was given the cilantro and Fraggles was not given any but mommy says its cause Fraggles got into a grocery bag and ate most of a bunch of cilantro.
I did not mean to move into Fraggles house it just kinda happened and I try not to eatz to much stuffs and be a good bunny....But I guess I am just a Muppet and should not be on the bunny chat....
So I will go :nerves1
But please let the other "Muppets" stay....Daisy Mae,Nala,Houdini,Vegas and all the rest of the Muppets..... They had no part in eating Fraggles cilantro.....
Thank you for listening
Miss. Muppet.....:sad:
Mommy says I iz a bun. My ears are long and my nose is wiggly....
I has big bunny feetz and I keep my ears and feetz washed with my front paws...
But Fraggles does not thinks I am a bun at all.... But in fact a real Muppet.
I admit that I was given the cilantro and Fraggles was not given any but mommy says its cause Fraggles got into a grocery bag and ate most of a bunch of cilantro.
I did not mean to move into Fraggles house it just kinda happened and I try not to eatz to much stuffs and be a good bunny....But I guess I am just a Muppet and should not be on the bunny chat....
So I will go :nerves1
But please let the other "Muppets" stay....Daisy Mae,Nala,Houdini,Vegas and all the rest of the Muppets..... They had no part in eating Fraggles cilantro.....
Thank you for listening
Miss. Muppet.....:sad: