Awww, melts my heart. How do you stand the cuteness? I wouldn't ever get anything done, I would be with them all the time, lol. Did you name all the babies? (Sorry if you posted names and I missed them).
We've given them temporary names and assigned genders until we can find out their actual sexes. One white one is Nymphadora, nicknamed Dora, and the other is Franklin. The broken one is Eminem, but we've decided has a girl personality, in which case she will have an M first name and Miranda as her middle name, so will still be M&M. The darker ones are Gus (the not so bubble butt) and Gilderoy. They'll all be keeping those names if the sexes turn out to match.
We were originally going to use all HP names, but one is going to my sister's best friend and she decided on Gus, and for some reason my sister suddenly decided she wanted Franklin, which I really liked. Eminem/M&M is Mini Miranda, so that's where her name came from, but if she turns out to be female I'm pushing for Molly to be the first M. We're left with just Nymphadora and Gilderoy from HP. That said, if Franklin turns out to be a girl she would be Bellatrix. Gilderoy will be Helga.
Day 18! The kits finally ventured out of the nest without help, and they're sooooo proud of themselves for it! They're binkying all over the place, and fatty-boomba Gilderoy has already discoved the joys of the pellet bowl! They go back to the nest now and then in their travels, but refuse to sleep there anymore, which is really annoying because they pee A LOT and I'm having to change the sheet under their new sleeping spot far too often.
Oh my, I've certainly enjoyed scrolling through all your delightful pictures, Neejchee, and the commentary as well! It sounds like you intend to keep them all? What a houseful! I'm wondering about litter box use - do the adult rabbits use one, and would Miranda teach her young to use it, like a cat?