I caught Will snortin' Berry-Boo the other day. I almost died! He thought I was crazy when I would put my face up near her! What a hypocrite!
I was so surprised when Berry-Boo got here! I never knew that mini-rex were so... uhh... mini-rex-like? I don't know how to put it, but they are definitely unique. I have to admit, I was guilty of calling them my "least-favorite breed" when I worked at the pet store in high school. I never liked their faces (that and the ones at the pet store... whenever you would see their faces, they were lunging at you with their mouths open...). Now that I've been around Berry-Boo, I love mini-rex! They still don't top Nethies or Holland lops or mini-lops, but they are in my top five favorite breeds! I love their curly whiskers and pouty lips!
Enough of that... here are some pictures! WOO!
Extreme Close-Up of the "Poochy Mini-Rex" Lips
Who, me?
Who ever said that mini-rex aren't into exploring or getting into mischief?
Honestly, their fur reminds me of a chinchilla's. It's like velvet, just longer. Overall, I think the closest thing to it is chinchilla-fur. I love 'chillas, too. Will doesn't. He says they're ugly. :tears2: