MINI-REX Maddness -(Now Closed)

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I'd love to see pictures when you have a chance!

You know, I understand the breed perfection/show thing - but I don't understand the stupidity of backyard breeders like that.

If it wasn't for a breeder, show person, ARBA family I wouldn't have Bo and Tony.
Do all show rabbit breeders kill off the rabbits that aren't perfect enough when they are born? If so...I'm seriously heartbroken.

Also, clearly, this thread has been :threadhijacked: so I'm going to start a new thread about this in the rabbits online general forum. I'll post the link here in just a sec through an edit...

I've been having a bad habit of hijacking threads these days!!!


Edit: New thread:

I would really appreciate it if people would keep up with it and help support me, I'm really nervous busting this moron but I think something needs to be done about his bad bunny care tips and the way he is raising these rabbits.
Timetowaste writes:

...For some reason, I just don't like the breed. I don't know why. I still play with them and take care of all of them for all the teachers and make sure they have the best possible comfortable environment in a cage with screaming children...but they are all very mean. I guess I can't blame them if we are just a product of our environment...but their just all so mean and their personalities are just BLAH.
Knowing my two Mini Rexes as I do, I'd say that those five bunnies are definitely a product of their environment: the one from which they originated and the one in which they now found themselves. :(

Mini Rexes, IMO, tend to be very curious andplayful. My girls also love to be petted and will follow my feet as a walk, nudging my ankles/ legs along the way, as if to say, Mom, I'm down here. Pet me! Pet me! The moment I sit (or even lie) down within their play area, they're acting the partof mountain goat, climbing all over me. And just like a cat, they'll jump onto my lap when I'm reading a book to get my focus off of my reading material and onto them. :biggrin2:

Yes, I'd definitely say that those bunnies got the short end of the stick, which, in turns, cheats humans out of their naturally wonderful personalities. Poor, poor babies... :(

Jenk! bo does that nudging of my feet - I'm always afraid I'll step on him. I've tripped over him before :(

If I go into "his" play area in the familyroom - he comes up for me to groom him. If he's in "my area" he tends to hide, sneak, get into stuff LOL! Then he'll come see me for love!

I think Mini-rex really love people. Other bunnies are ok too but people are nearly as intelligent as they are so they enjoy harassing them! ;)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Jenk! bo does that nudging of my feet - I'm always afraid I'll step on him. I've tripped over him before :(

If I go into "his" play area in the familyroom - he comes up for me to groom him. If he's in "my area" he tends to hide, sneak, get into stuff LOL! Then he'll come see me for love!

I think Mini-rex really love people. Other bunnies are ok too but people are nearly as intelligent as they are so they enjoy harassing them! ;)
It's funny how a 4-lb. bunny can trip a human.

Yesterday, I had a vet. receptionist and another client laughing when I explained that I "respect" my one 4-lb. bun when she's territorial over her litter box. (My husband and I joke about the scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail, pretending that our girls are saying, "Eee! Eee!" whenever they get uppity/ cranky.

The idea of Bo sneaking around made me laugh; but I can completely believe it. I think that you can hear the wheels turning in their heads.

I am a total tease when it comes to Emma (less so with Zoe); but Emma dishes it out first. :biggrin2: She'll latch on to the bottom portion of my sleeve and "work it," as I like to say (i.e., chews back and forth around the lower edge). So I usually move my fingers in a tickling motion on her head (which gets her more feisty). She seems to know that I'm playing, though,andnudges repeatedly against my hand.
I love the feel of their fur its like a really thick carpet, lovely. imagine if you could get pillows witht e same texture i will never want to get out of bed:bed:
LOL! Jenk I've found that Bo likes me to tease him but acts as if he doesn't. Since he was a baby we've played "gonna get da bunny" which is the "spider" hand crawling towards the bunny..... he gets so excited sometimes he forgets to act as if he's going to get me back - he'll shake his ears in a half binky then take off around the room! only to come back to me for more "gettin' da bunny" LOL!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
LOL! Jenk I've found that Bo likes me to tease him but acts as if he doesn't. Since he was a baby we've played "gonna get da bunny" which is the "spider" hand crawling towards the bunny..... he gets so excited sometimes he forgets to act as if he's going to get me back - he'll shake his ears in a half binky then take off around the room! only to come back to me for more "gettin' da bunny" LOL!

That's exactly what Wiggles would do. When I had Wiggles, I pretty much felt like I had a toddler rather than a bunny. Ok, not exactly the same, but so many things reminded me of whatI used to do with babies etc. Really funny and adorable. I would love having a mini-rex again.

When I lost Wiggles, I thought I'd hate the breed just because I felt so much sadness when I thought of her but in the end, I saw so many funny and adorableposts of Bo, Millie, Scone MacBunny, etc. that I realized, the mini-rex is really hard to beat in my opinion. Lol.
I really think mini rexes are my heart :heartsbreed.

I have two currently - William and Ruby. William is a broken opal and is approximately 1.5 years old. He is my funny bunny and I just adore him. He's the one who plays ALL the time and always wants to be getting into something - usually to my dismay. He's the one who really taught me to love rabbits and the mini rex breed. Ruby is my #1 cuddle bun - he he. She is the cuddler of the house and I love her so much. I actually got her from someone off of the forum (well, kind of - she was a rescue in need and I got her in November when I was in Fort Wayne, IN for business). She is about 3 and is castor in color. She's a little on the chubby side and we're working on that, but it doesn't keep her from getting around, playing, and loving on her bonded pal, Potter.

I can picture myself in the future having a house full of mini rexes. Okay, okay...and every other type of bun too. Wait! I already do have a house full! Ha ha!

[align=left]This is my William boy.[/align]
[align=left]And, here's my girl, Ruby.[/align]

OMG! So many Mini Rexes, so little time! Is it wrong that I want to line 'em all up and sink my fingertips into their fur? :? (Apparently, having two of my own just isn't enough for me to get my MR "fix.")
Well, you all know I want to line them all up, grab them and snort their fur then go for the next one LOL!

I'm in love with all of them! Bo's just #1
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Well, you all know I want to line them all up, grab them and snort their fur then go for the next one LOL!
Smoke 'em, snort 'em...Any way you can get 'em. :biggrin2:
Mini Rex bunnies are the cutest! Of course, I'm slightly biased. :biggrin2: My girls have grown since these photos were taken, but they'll always be little in my eyes.

I like this photo because, to me, it looks as though Emma's smoking a cigar (actually a chew stick).


And here are the girls (Zoe on the left) snuggled up together.


AngelnSnuffy wrote:
Here's my silly, love girl that passed away in Nov.:)

Awww...She was a cutie (even with her head inside ofa hay bag). :inlove:

Here's my Emma trying to sneak out of the bag after she'd mawedon the hay within it for nearly 10 minutes.


Little Bay Poo wrote:
I've never seen a mini rex in person before. From the pictures their fur looks like velvet. :hugsquish:
It really is made of velvet. ;)

If you ever meet a Mini Rex, remember to be strong; their fur is addictive. You'd likely find yourself needing to bury your fingers/ nose in their fur. (I call it "smokin' the bunny;" I believe that Bo B calls it "snortin' da' bunny." Any way you cut it, Mini Rex fur can become an addiction.)
