Mini Rex Litter Due in 7 days!!

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Please keep Sage in your thoughts and prayers tonight for a safe, healthy and quick birth. And for healthy kits!
Well we are pretty sure she is preggo. She has some loose fur on her dewlap and all, i think that means something. Plus we palpated her and felt some babies. (we think anyway) So i am sure she is. I hope!

Oh you bet there will be pics! We will have pics up as soon as we can after they are born! So expect some tomorrow if she goes tonight!
Nope no babies yet. She hasn't pulled any fur yet either. She just sorta made a hay nest but not really even that. Mostly just a pile. She will probably have them later today, tonight or sometime tomorrow.
I'm overat BSAR and BlueSkyAcres's house (now)and right when we got home from school, we went right into the rabbit shed and looked in Sage's cage, and nothing! :(*sighs*

But hopefully she will have them today or tomorrow!! I hope she is preggo though, but it looks like she is, so I bet she will.

We are going back out to check on her in about 2 hours or so, when we get back we will give you all an update!!!:D

kherrmann3 wrote:
Maybe she's just being stubborn :p She knows you're waiting, and she feels like being a jerk lol

Probably so, hehe.

I just hope she is pregnant and has them tonight or tomorrow morning!

She had the hay all piled up in front and her fur is loose, so we think that means something. If she doesn't have them this week or whatever, we'll rebreed her.
