Mini Rex Litter Due in 7 days!!

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5 days till babies!!

I am getting so excited!! So far for Christmassy names I have:

Christmas (Chrissy for short)

Bell (maybe Bells or Bella for nickname)





.............and well those are all I have so far.

I have two mini rex litters due christmas eveish, but I palpated and I'm not sure they are really pg. I have a long list of holiday names somewhere.
Awesome MiniRexMama!

These are the names I have so far:

Male: Dasher, Vixen, Donner, Santa, Nicholas

Female: Star, Mistletoe, Candy-Cane, Holly, Winter, Bell, Snowbell, Merry-Lou (I love this one!) and Molasses.

Unisex: Dancer, Snow, Tinsel, December, Frosty

So far, my faves are Frost for a boy, and Merry-Lou for a girl :)
4 days till babies!!

Nest box goes in tomorrow night!

Last night while feeding, we were feeling Sage's tummy and we think we felt a couple kits!!
Awesome-I hope it works out for you :)I'm hoping my does are pg too, but I am so rusty at palpating!
Yeah I've felt her belly about 4 times now, throughout her pregnancy. Palpated her on the 9th and 11th days and couldn't feel anything. Then again sometime last week, couldn't really feel anything. I also feel for babies kicking, because I've felt that before...I'm actually asking for a stethoscope for Xmas...I've wanted one for so long and it will be awesome to finally get one :)

When I palpated her yesterday, I just had to put my hand on her abdomen and move it around and I felt a lump that hadn't been there before. I think she's gonna have probably 4 babies...she's tiny though, so I just hope everything works out. I'm sure it will, since Ray is about the same size as her.

BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Yeah I've felt her belly about 4 times now, throughout her pregnancy. Palpated her on the 9th and 11th days and couldn't feel anything. Then again sometime last week, couldn't really feel anything. I also feel for babies kicking, because I've felt that before...I'm actually asking for a stethoscope for Xmas...I've wanted one for so long and it will be awesome to finally get one :)

When I palpated her yesterday, I just had to put my hand on her abdomen and move it around and I felt a lump that hadn't been there before. I think she's gonna have probably 4 babies...she's tiny though, so I just hope everything works out. I'm sure it will, since Ray is about the same size as her.

can you use a regular stethoscope or do you need a special one for rabbits? like can you use a pediatric one? just wondering. i'm thinking of upgrading my stethoscope. mine is a good one and cost me almost $100 but i'm looking to get a special cardiac one for work. let me know if you don't get one for christmas b/c when i get the one i want i can give you mine. it's a great scope but i need one that i can hear all 4 parts of the heartbeat. with the one i have you only hear the "lub dub".
purplepeacock wrote:
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
Yeah I've felt her belly about 4 times now, throughout her pregnancy. Palpated her on the 9th and 11th days and couldn't feel anything. Then again sometime last week, couldn't really feel anything. I also feel for babies kicking, because I've felt that before...I'm actually asking for a stethoscope for Xmas...I've wanted one for so long and it will be awesome to finally get one :)

When I palpated her yesterday, I just had to put my hand on her abdomen and move it around and I felt a lump that hadn't been there before. I think she's gonna have probably 4 babies...she's tiny though, so I just hope everything works out. I'm sure it will, since Ray is about the same size as her.

can you use a regular stethoscope or do you need a special one for rabbits? like can you use a pediatric one? just wondering. i'm thinking of upgrading my stethoscope. mine is a good one and cost me almost $100 but i'm looking to get a special cardiac one for work. let me know if you don't get one for christmas b/c when i get the one i want i can give you mine. it's a great scope but i need one that i can hear all 4 parts of the heartbeat. with the one i have you only hear the "lub dub".
I think you can use any stethoscope...I sure hope so! lol. Ok, that sounds good. :)

4 days till babies!

When my sister and I go out to feed the buns in a bit we are going to get the nest box ready and than tonight when we feed the buns we are going to put it in Sage's cage.
3 days till babies!

The nest box went in yesterday! I plan on staying home on Wednesday (its a half day anyway) just in case anything could go wrong. If she has already had the kits than I most likely will be going to school though.

Question: How do we keep her from laying in the nestbox and using it as a toilet? She stays in there all day unless she's eating! Sometimes she goes potty outside of the nestbox...

I just dont want her to potty in there when the kits are there; at least she'll already be in there when it's time to give birth, though! lol.


ETA: I checked the nestbox yesterday, she isn't using it as a toilet. I will be cleaning it out tonight, as well as the front part of her cage, for tomorrow! :)
Sage is due tomorrow!

I am so excited, execept for the fact that its supposed to snow this weekend. Just the time when I didn't want it to! When we had babies! grr.