Mini Lop

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2005
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Hutto, Texas, USA
[align=center]The Mini Lop[/align]
[align=center]By Qadoshyah Fish,Hoppin’Herd of Hares[/align]
[align=center]What is a Mini Lop??? The Mini Lop is agreat breed . . . . With their cute, chubby n’ wide faces, big olelopped ears, a cobby and compact body and superior personality, theyare the all around perfect breed. What an easy breed to raise also . .. They have hardly any birthing problems (no peanuts, or max factorbabies), they also have a variety of litter sizes from 1 to 12 kits.There are so many recognized colors, you hardly ever have any un-showable babies. Another plus is they are very easy to pose, just “squish”them into a “little ball”, making sure their feet are in the rightplaces. There’s a pretty good amount of competition on the show tablestoo, since there are quite a few Mini Lop breeders!! They are a veryeasy breed to raise for the youth. With their calm personalities, itmakes it very easy . . . Our Mini Lops are so calm, for an example, wecan hold them in our arms on their back and they just laythere! So....if you would like a simple, easy and cute breed,you've come to the right breed! Enjoy the Mini Lop![/align]
Sr. Bucks - 6 months of age and over, weight 4 1/2 - 6 1/2 lbs. Ideal weight 6 lbs.

Sr. Does - 6 months of age and over, weight 4 1/2 - 6 1/2 lbs, Ideal weight 6 lbs.

Jr. Bucks & Does - Under 6 months of age, weight not over 6 lbs. Min weight 3 lbs.

Groups: Agouti, broken, pointed white, self, shaded, ticked, wide band

Classifications: Solid pattern, broken pattern

Picture From:
The mini lopdiffers in some countries, notably in the United Kingdom, Australia andNew Zealand but there may be other countries also. The descriptionfollows much the same as for Holland Lop.

Here is the Rabbit Council of New Zealands description:

Is a Lop breed by show class. Small in size. Short coated and mainly bred for pets.

Body too long; head not sufficiently characteristic of the breed;pimpled or damaged ears; poor ear carriage; ears folded; crown notdeveloped; fly back coat; large dewlaps in does; rear feet not parallelto the body; light soiling of feet; ears and genital organs; bare pads;fur slightly soiled or matted; long toenails; lack of vitality.

Bowed or bent feet; white nose on butterfly pattern; crooked tail;blindness or partial blindness; much soiling; matted coat; sore pads(where skin is broken or scabbed); any evidence of irregularpreparation for exhibition including trimming or dyeing.
Weight Ideal Maximum
Adult 1.5kg (3.07 pounds ) 1.6kg (3.5 pounds)

* Type - Bold thickset and firm. Thebody should be short, broad and well muscled with little visible neck.The well muscled rump is short and well rounded. The chest is broad anddeep with curved sides where it meets the shoulders which are broad andstrong. The front legs are thick, short and straight. The hind legs areshort, strong, powerful and carried parallel to the body. The tail isstraight, strong and well furred. A small dewlap is permissible but notdesirable.
* Coat - The coat to be dense and ofgood length, roll-back with an abundance of guard hairs. Legs and padsto be well furred.
* Head, Crown and Eyes - The head isbold, broad and well developed. The profile of the head is stronglycurved with a good width between the eyes, full cheeks and a broadmuzzle. The eyes are bold, bright and large. The basal ridge of theears should appear prominent across the top of the skull to form thecrown.
* Ears - Should be broad, thick, wellfurred and rounded at the ends. They should be carried close to thecheeks giving a horse-shoe like outline when viewed from the front. Theinside of the ears should not be visible from any angle when carriedcorrectly.
* Accepted Colours: Refer to general colour descriptions with the exception of Broken.
* Condition - The exhibit should be in aperfect state of health and bodily condition, free from all soiling,particularly on the feet, ears and genital parts. The coat shouldreflect the overall good health of the exhibit, which should appearalert and vigorous.

Some more examples of the Uk/NZ type:

Lexingtons Ducky, broken blue buck. Resides at Littleriver rabbitry in New Zealand.

Rambling Roses 'Superman' red eyed white buck, resides at Blossum Bunnies rabbitry in New Zealand.


This is Horizon's Pierre from canada. He is abuck in my rabbitry. He has 2 Grand Champion legs.Look at his head. Using him to improve the heads in mylitters. Check out the rest of my rabbits at honeysucklerabbitry located in Dresden, Maine. I'm not allowed to put alink here, but type it in on google and you'll find it. ;)

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