Midwest/ZooToo Shelter Makeover!

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Haley, Jen and everyone at Midwest, I wish you great luck and many blessings for tomorrow. We'll all have our paws crossed here in Ohio. Buckeyes routing for Michigan - imagine that!

I truly wishI could be there to share the fun and make lots of noise in the crowd. Neko kitty had to go back to Doc's yesterday because she stopped eating again. I had a thread about it in Let YOur Hare Down. The cortisone shot wore off and the Clindamycin wasn't working. She is having surgery tomorrow for her stomatits http://www.dentalvet.com/vets/cats/feline_stomatitis.htm

Not the full blown removal of all teeth behind the canines but a dental scaling, removal of any teeth with bad roots. New dental xray equipment Doc has can determine problems in the roots. She will also get some treatment with a CO2 laser. If this doesn't work, then we move on to more extractions. There are a lot theories about the cause of stomatitisbut the etiology of the disease remains unknown. So I will be here waiting for her surgery to be done. She may come home tomorrow night or Friday AM.

Midwest Rules!

Aww I wish you could come, Ann but I understand. We'll have to get together sometime over the summer. We know you'll be there in spirit.

I'll be thinking of Neko- shes a lucky girl to have such a good mommy.
[align=center]Today is the big day![/align]
[align=center]:party0002:GOOD LUCK MIDWEST:party0002:[/align]
[align=center]I'll have my bunny ears on and be rooting for you from Florida.[/align]
:bestwishes: GOOD LUCK MIDWEST! :bestwishes:

One bunny thumped at Midwest, and the world took notice. Hope you win! Thank youZootoo for making this possible.
Haley wrote:
Aww I wish you could come, Ann but I understand. We'll have to get together sometime over the summer. We know you'll be there in spirit.

I'll be thinking of Neko- shes a lucky girl to have such a good mommy.
I'm planning a trip up to Livonia later this year - we'll all have to get together.
I have pictures!!!! :biggrin2:


Richard Thompson, aka "Topcat"


The crowd


The crowd and the float!


Richard Thompson presenting an award and about to get his bunny ears...


... and then proudly wearing them!!


(I didn't catch everyone's names, sorry!)


Midwest Board (left to right): Jill, David, Laura, TopCat, Debbie, Carol, Dominique


Richard Thompson going inside for his tour (still wearing his bunny ears!).


"Midwest loves Zootoo!"


The Zootoo van


Awesome welcome sign!


Outside the shelter


Inside the shelter (Really cool banner!)


More of the bunnies


DH couldn't resist petting this recent surrender and the bunny was LOVING it! :biggrin2:

All in all, not a bad turn-out and the weather was gorgeous! I know that everyone at Midwest is extremely grateful for everyone's support. Because of you, they're the winners of at least $5,000, which will go a long way to help the bunnies. We've also raised more awareness about rabbit overpopulation and homelessness, which is priceless. Now we just have to wait until May for them to announce the final results!

P.S. If anyone would like all of the pictures I took today, unedited, just send me a PM and I will be more than happy to email the zip file to you! :)
Yay! Jennifer posted pics! I didnt take any but will post any that come my way :)

It was such an awesome day. We had really great weather and a pretty good turnout. Everyone from Midwest did such an amazing job organizing everything. We met in the park in downtown Plymouth to welcome zootoo, then they did the site visit where Richard got to meet all the bunnies (and even snuggle one) and see how badly we need help. Honestl,y I highly doubt they would give us the million just because they seemed so clueless about rabbit rescue (and most of their sponsors are dog/cat companies) but the 10,000 would be nice!

Oh and I just saw Richard posted his journal entry about his site visit:

Lions, Tigers and Bunnies- Oh My!

Thank you again everyone for making this happen!


PS. Patti- Livonia is only an hour from me (about 10 mins from the shelter actually!) so we'll have to get together!
Awesome! Everybody make sure to comment, too!

I can't wait to see the video. Even if it's put up tonight I can't view videos on my work computer.:(

By the way, whatever happened with that new batch of bunnies from Chicago?
Haley wrote:
PS. Patti- Livonia is only an hour from me (about 10 mins from the shelter actually!) so we'll have to get together!

Awesome! I'd love to see your shelter and meet some of the other volunteers I've gotten to know during the Zootoo contest.
Looks like Richard didn't want to let go of Debbie! Hm-m-mm- could be a plus for Midwest. It really looks like everyone had fun and the the day was perfect. We'll keep all of our paws crossed here for a great outcome.

Neko had her surgery today and she is staying overnight at the clinic. The usual price for a full stomatits surgery is $1,600 but my vet said he is not not charging me the full price. I expect the bill will be up there because they also did blood work and a biopsy from a lump on her back.

Forgot to mention they did remove 6 teeth that were affecting the stomatitis.
haha yeah youre right, Ann. And they had dinner last night as well! Richard's flight came in like two hours early so Debbie and another girl took him out to dinner.

Im glad to hear your girlie is ok. We missed you!