Midwest/ZooToo Shelter Makeover!

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I'm so glad everything went well (I was really bummed that I couldn't make it)!

The pictures are great too. I love the bunny in the last picture--what a lover!

All the public awareness for domestic rabbits is such an awesome outcome from all of this!!

Yay for Midwest,

I'm extremely tired so please excuse me if I am not making sense LOL!

I'm so happy for MWRR for the award today - the photos are excellent and I wish I could have been there for the festivities!

If nothing else, you have educated even ONE more person today... that is a plus in the lives of our bunners!

What a great job everyone at Midwest did. I wish you all the very best of luck and will be sure to post comments. Love the pictures and I am waiting with baited breath for the video to get posted.

Congrats for a job well done and lots of bunny kisses.

Almost forgot- Richard said he would love pics of rabbits interacting with other animals for the zootoo site. He said to send them to him/zootoo if you have any. Rabbits with dogs and cats would be great!
Haley wrote:
Almost forgot- Richard said he would love pics of rabbits interacting with other animals for the zootoo site. He said to send them to him/zootoo if you have any. Rabbits with dogs and cats would be great!
He also told us he wanted photos of rabbits with people. I'm not sure where exactly he wants them sent, though. I'll try to find out.
rabbitbloom wrote:
Hi everyone! I think it went well even though not everything went exactly according to plan. I posted some photos, more soon, I'm falling asleep sitting up and have to stop for the night. Thank you!!!

Haley -- we're on the website!! :bunnydance: See?? I'm doing my job -- I have a camera in-hand, lol! ;)
Hey all you bunny slaves!!!

Just wanted to give a quick shout out to everyone on RO that helped us, prayed with us, encouraged us and watched and loved us over the last few months.

Our shelter tour with Richard Thompson and his entourage is over and we're very happy to get on with life as we know it. The tour was very positive and the questions that were asked were great! We feel we educated Richard Thompson and his group about domestic rabbits and their plight. We hope that he will take this information back to New Jersey and remember us positively.

Make sure to log on to zootoo and respond to his journal entry. He did say that he was taking all things into consideration, even the journal entries that are logged by the supporters of each shelter.

We appreciate you all and can't say thank you enough!!! We love you!

Bunny nudges and kisses!

Laura, Midwest Shelter Manager

I know I have pictures of Mitzi grooming at least one rabbit - and I think I have a video of her grooming Drew....so how do I get them to Topcat?

I'll see what else I have also....

I knew I should have taken pictures of Oberon visiting the developmentally disabled at Easter! It's the second time I've forgotten. I do have a great pic of Oberon and Eve on James' lap and a few rabbit and human pics.

Should we just send them in a privatemessage to Topcat through ZooToo?
I just sent Topcat a private email or note or whatever through ZooToo....with these links...I hope they help:

Edited to add: The top two are slideshows - click on them to see the slideshow open in a new window...

I couldn't figure out how to post them in the comments section (I did try).

slavetoabunny wrote:
Awesome pictures Peg. I love the video! Thanks for sending them.
Thanks. Sharing the video was really really hard 'cause Drew is the bunny there and I miss her so badly. She used to get up on my shoulder and sit there and I'd talk to her and tell her stories about California (she was going to go live with Rosie/maherwoman). Its hard to look at her photos and videos now...but it was worth it if it helps other rabbits.

I really hope a lot of folks can share pictures of bunnies and dogs or cats together....I'm going to see if I have any more I can put together too.

I did have fun w/ the slideshows.....as you can probably tell.

I don't have any photos of Sparky and Scooter with other animals, since I don't have any other animals. But, I have lots of them with Pat and I and will send those.
slavetoabunny wrote:
Do any of the Midwest people have any details on the Orlando event.  I know the day and where it is.  Do you know what time?

Patti, when I looked at the schedule of events on the HSUS website a few weeks back there were no details, and I haven't had a chance to look again. Will let you know when I find out (or let me know if you find out!) Thanks! Jill