Well-Known Member
You know, now that you mention it, it all comesflooding back. I knew you had re-named her Cali for the state...forgotthe Atticus part. Ooops!
LOL don't eat her!!![]()
Henry's is also pie!He's Henry pie Pyke! He gets Dan's surname,though Dan thinks Max should have my surname coz Max White sounds likea gangster or something! Mind you, they all seem to be called something'pie'.... Rolo Pie, Henry Pie, Maxxy Pie, Fishy Pies... :?
Ang xx
Atticus is a good name I think! I love To Kill aMockingbird! I may steal that name some day!I think Cali suits her though!
Ang xx
That's probably our bunnie.Phantom always knew he was in trouble when I called him byhis whole name--Phantom Menace.
I have a new dwarf now and I don't even have a first name yet. I amwaiting to consider his personality. I really likedsomeone'schoice ofMu Shu.
All of our buns have a middle initial of "B" and the last name of "Bunnie".
I guess it started when I would walk into their room and say.."There be bunnies in here!"
So we have Brindle B. Bunnie...Benji B. Bunnie...S'mores B. Bunnie...Moo Shu B. Bunnie...and...Chippy B. Bunnie.
They all "b bunnies"
They all have nicknames, too. But I think we should start another thread for nicknames.