Michael Jackson

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Becca wrote:
Whats the point in me trying to talk to her because all I know is that I'll start shouting at her I won't be able to talk to her because she has upset me.
WHat do you want me to do then? Stay out of her way for a while or yell at her?
Don't bring it up. Just keep it simple, be mindful. If you feel you are getting upset excuse yourself go and throw some cold water on your face. Count to ten in your head.
To Mum
I'm sorry
But no one apart from MJJC members understand how I feel right now. The reason I'm not speaking to you at the moment is because whatever I say is going to sound bad. Sorry. No one knows how much I want this. I just get a little crazy about Michael.... you may of noticed.
I will empty the dishwasher for a month and will try (see the try) and not talk about MJ as much. Hey can't make any promises though lol!
Love you.


Zin said you are ACTING like a spoilt, petulant child, not that you are. And I actually happen to agree.

I really like you, but I often forget you are a child and act as a child does, which can lead to you saying and doing things that can appear as not great.

It's not easy being a parent and I think a lot of people can see exactly how much your mum loves you and would do anything for you. In this case, she tried to get you tickets, but now there are factors that are wider than the concert, and she has to do what she thinks is in your best interests, even if you disagree. In fact, the fact that she has not just given in shows how much she loves you, because saying no, and then turning around and changing her mind would be worse for you than if she stands her ground. Actually, I think you are lucky to be loved so much.

Also, I just want to say that I was also brat when I was a teenager, not an awful one, but yeh, I acted appallingly sometimes. Most teenagers do. I wish someone had been honest with me when I was acting like that, it might have made me think twice (although maybe not).
Very nicely put. That is the girl I know and like.

Becca wrote:
To Mum
I'm sorry
But no one apart from MJJC members understand how I feel right now. The reason I'm not speaking to you at the moment is because whatever I say is going to sound bad. Sorry. No one knows how much I want this. I just get a little crazy about Michael.... you may of noticed.
I will empty the dishwasher for a month and will try (see the try) and not talk about MJ as much. Hey can't make any promises though lol!
Love you.


Go on your own :p

OK OK don't do that. Probably not a good idea if you don't know London.

In a way I feel kinda sorry for you because I know what its like when you really have a passion to do something and you can't. Luckily my Mum is laid back about stuff like this. She knows she raised me well enough not to be stupid and not to take risks so (generally) she trusts my judgement on things.

To be honest, I can understand your Mum not wanting you to go. But if you are doing this yourself, paying for it yourself organising it yourself I can't really see a problem. And surely your Mum would enjoy an excursion for free? I don't really understand the issue.

I'm still a bit confused about the 'getting squished' thing ??? Is she worried that London is full of big monster people who stomp about and bite the heads off people? Or is it the crowds in the O2? If you are in the seats at the O2 its not crowded at all, I went to see Bryan Adams there last year and its not squished at all, its just like being in a giant cinema.
pinksalamander wrote:
Go on your own :p

OK OK don't do that. Probably not a good idea if you don't know London.

In a way I feel kinda sorry for you because I know what its like when you really have a passion to do something and you can't. Luckily my Mum is laid back about stuff like this. She knows she raised me well enough not to be stupid and not to take risks so (generally) she trusts my judgement on things.

To be honest, I can understand your Mum not wanting you to go. But if you are doing this yourself, paying for it yourself organising it yourself I can't really see a problem. And surely your Mum would enjoy an excursion for free? I don't really understand the issue.

I'm still a bit confused about the 'getting squished' thing ??? Is she worried that London is full of big monster people who stomp about and bite the heads off people? Or is it the crowds in the O2? If you are in the seats at the O2 its not crowded at all, I went to see Bryan Adams there last year and its not squished at all, its just like being in a giant cinema.

LOL :pI'm not sure tbh..

This is what mum said back

'I do understand how you feel but that still doesn't change things. There are times when you're going to be disappointed about stuff but thats life!'
Becca wrote:
This is what mum said back

'I do understand how you feel but that still doesn't change things. There are times when you're going to be disappointed about stuff but thats life!'

She has point. When I was mad about things my moms response was always Sorry but life sucks sometimes. :XMan it would make me mad but now I say it. :p
Sorry, I thought she bidded on ebay up to the highest she could go, and contacted the people you wanted her to, in terms of tickets. Obviously got that wrong, sorry.

It's good your mum understands :)
Becca wrote:
pinksalamander wrote:
Go on your own :p

OK OK don't do that. Probably not a good idea if you don't know London.

In a way I feel kinda sorry for you because I know what its like when you really have a passion to do something and you can't. Luckily my Mum is laid back about stuff like this. She knows she raised me well enough not to be stupid and not to take risks so (generally) she trusts my judgement on things.

To be honest, I can understand your Mum not wanting you to go. But if you are doing this yourself, paying for it yourself organising it yourself I can't really see a problem. And surely your Mum would enjoy an excursion for free? I don't really understand the issue.

I'm still a bit confused about the 'getting squished' thing ??? Is she worried that London is full of big monster people who stomp about and bite the heads off people? Or is it the crowds in the O2? If you are in the seats at the O2 its not crowded at all, I went to see Bryan Adams there last year and its not squished at all, its just like being in a giant cinema.

LOL :p I'm not sure tbh..

You can PM me if you want because I understand how you feel.
It's ok to cry, it's a big disappointment, but you will move through the pain you feel right now.
I've been trying so hard to be happy and excited for people that are going to see him but its hard now I kinda feel jealous (not in a mean way but ya get me) I'd do anything to be Emma right now (well not right now on 26th July wold be perfet)
'Smile, though your heart is aching, smile even though its breaking, when there are clouds in the sky - you'll get by'

Its wierd how listening to that song makes me cry even more... it shouldn't really.
Aw hun. I remember being that age, and I think a lot of people would be liars if they said they NEVER said things to their parents or acted in a way they would later be ashamed of and even abhor later. Sometimes being a "kid" is tough and things just aren't fair, and it can be really frustrating to the point you act out. I get that. It doesn't make it okay, but I get it.

I used to (okay I still do) fight with my mother all the time. We are just TOO different of people, and even at 20 sometimes there are times I want to scream and cry and throw myself on the floor in a big hissy fit. When I was younger I did, a LOT. And looking back it was naughty, but also at that time I didn't know how else to channel my feelings.

I think it's smart to simply stay silent for awhile. The note you wrote your mom was nice, just make sure she knows that you love her but you're just really upset right now. It will pass even if it doesn't feel like it will. When you are feeling more calm and better able to control yourself, then you can have a chat with her, or even just slip back into normalcy without making a big to do about it.

Whenever I am very angry, angry to the point I am not an asset to anyone around me, I say so, especially if I've been snippy or acting like a butt. I just simply say "I'm not at my best right now, I am sorry. I am having some intrapersonal issues and I need to be alone." For the most part people respect that. My gf even uses it on me now whenever she gets upset. Except we shorten it to the cliche "It's not you, it's me" and we both get that "code" and back off.

I understand how you are feeling, I do. I'm just as bad about Katherine Heigl as you are about Michael. I am more toned down outwardly, but inside there is a raving lunatic who would also break down in tears if someone told me I had at least a chance to see her in person, and then ripped it away. So I do understand that aspect of this whole shebang as well. I hope it works out somehow that you are able to go... I'm not sure how, but maybe there is a way.

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