Michael Jackson

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irishbunny wrote:
Ya it was every where that he had some sort of lung condition and was dying not too sure if that turned out to be correct
Btw he isn't dying... look at this picture of him from 4 days ago:


Brandy456 wrote:
I want to go to his farewell concert :(
but yeah, if he wasn't happy being african american then why not. He had the money, why not be happy. =)
He says that he is still an African American inside... he didn't voluntarily change the colour of his skin - he had a skin condition called Vitiligo.... here is a video if you don't belive me... (but you should because its the truth)


Aww sorry! But there might be other people with tickets! Good luck! :hug2:
Found tickets



Fingers crossed!!
Aw sorry you didn't get the first lot of tickets, have you contacted the person about the new lot of tickets you found? I hope you get them!
Hope you manage to get them! Just be careful for any phony tickets out there. I'm not sure what Ebay's policy is, but I would imagine it would be quite easy for someone to flag off false tickets.

Fingers crossed you manage to get some tickets! :D:D
Oh my - I grew up listening to him duriing his Jackson 5 years (that was great music to me) back in the early 70s... when he did Thriller in the 80s and music videos were just coming out, the Thriller video was state of the art then... and then after he did the BAD album (this was back in the day when we had RECORDS, not CDs), he got weird. I find myself still singing that song Bad around my house, especially if my sons have misbehaved....

My youngest son likes his music (he's 17) - he loves all the dance stuff being played like Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez... and uh, ugh, Britney Spears. I have to introduce him to Donna Summer.

It's fun for me to see today's youth liking the music I grew up with - my brother (in his 40s) loves do-*** (50s music) and my mom can take him to all the concerts she goes to as she grew up with that music and those artists are still drawing in crowds. Music is timeless.

I love all kinds of music....hope you get to see Michael Jackson soon, Becca!:biggrin2: My rock-star story: I have been a fan of the art-rock group "Yes" for, uh, um, 30+ years. I had 5th row seats at the third Yes concert I got to go see locally and when they played a song I loved (my favorite song of all time), I was the only one in the front seats who jumped up out of my seat with my hands up in excitement and lead singer Jon Anderson saw me and gave me a thumbs up...:blushan:

I think you just took 25 years off my life! :)

Doesn't matter those ebay ones have gone to high now :(

Its not fair - the people that don't even like him that much can go just because they are rich or got in there first and proper fans that actually love him can't go :(
Here is my room (PICTURES)
But I forgot to take pictures of my mirror which has MJ on it - sorry :)
Here is my door (on the outside)


Wall Close ups:



Main wall:







My mini fridge:

Other wall:

HIStory CD:
