Michael Jackson

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I shouldn't have said homicide but maybe accidental death. Sorry. Hopefully he didn't do it on purpose. The doctor is missing in action. But the doctor will be in trouble !!!
SweetSassy wrote:
I shouldn't have said homicide but maybe accidental death. Sorry. Hopefully he didn't do it on purpose. The doctor is missing in action. But the doctor will be in trouble !!!
maybe the doctoer is scred in case he goes to jail for an accident, bhis carrerar will be wreaked and frankly, i would be scraed to.
hey, we all make mistakes. and if it was some one famous aswell. boy i would be petrified

no need to be sorry. i make mistakes aswell when i tyoe . hey, so does everyone
When they do the autopsy they'll be able to see how much medicine is in his system. The doctor should know better, andhe better hope it's not a high dose!!
[align=center]Here is my tribute

To Michael Jackson
From Becca Ibbs


Okay where do I start? I should start by making it clear that I love you Michael Jackson - I always will. This dreadful thing has not changed how much I love you.
You are: kind, sweet, cute, shy, charming, beautiful, sexy, helpful, friendly, cool, incredible, gorgeous, fantastic, innocent, amazing, unbelievably talented, unique, innocent, childlike, intelligent, cheeky, humble and stunning.
Practically perfect.


You have made heaven an amazing place to be I know that, because as soon as you left this earth a different atmosphere came about. The sun went away and the rain began to fall, tears from the angels.
I miss you already, people think its weird considering I have never met you or seen you but the way you sing, talk, dance and think makes every fan feel so close to you it’s a unique feeling that no other star can create.


You have changed and influenced so many lives - tried to heal the world, save the children and give less fortunate children a chance at a better life. You have been betrayed, used, hurt and many other terrible things because of ignorant people. But you are so strong, brave and loyal to your fans to stay through it all. You have been bombarded with many sick accusations and lies but you have still carried on.


Michael you mean more to me anyone else ever has - it hurts me deeply to know you are no longer here. But its our fault, the world did not deserve someone as selfless and caring as you. I’m sorry Michael.
Most of all I feel sorry for your children who lost their daddy - its broken my heart into a million and one pieces I can’t imagine how they must feel. I just hope they can live their lives how they want and not be attacked by ignorant reporters wherever they go.


I believe in heaven and hell - I believe that you have gone to heave and that your staring down on me. You have influenced me so much. I am a better person because of you, I now think before I do things and of course never kill bugs.


I want to thank Katherine for discovering you singing that day when you were making your bed. That changed world and music history! Thank you Katherine.


25th June 2009 the day that music died. Michael your music is incredible - you have total power over me. You can make me laugh, cry, be happy or sad, excited and shocked! No other person affects my emotions that way.


I can’t understand, I can’t believe that your gone - its shocking and has left me devastated. Michael you ARE Peter Pan your with us forever. Your music and fans experiences will be passed down from generation to generation .


Michael you are my favourite man
Affect me like no one else can
This is love I know its true
Countless times I’ve cried over you

You showed the world your very best
Close your eyes and forget the rest
Your in your perfect Neverland
Wish I was there to hold your hand

One more thing I’ve got to say
I love you more and more each day
This is a love that never ends
And my broken heart will never mend



M agnificent
I ncredible
C aring
H ot
A mazing
E nchanting
L oved by many


The last thing I need to write through my tears is that you work so hard for your fans your almost a danger to yourself - please take care. I will love you forever and I’m sure that I will most likely write to you often. I know your looking down on me and sitting back to enjoy your life in paradise.

I love you, I always will it will never change.

Michael Joseph Jackson
29th August 1958 - 25th June 2009

I have no more words to express my sadness right now.
This is the last picture taken:

I was just listening to the news and his body has been realeased to his family, foul play was ruled out after the post mortem but more tests need to be done to find out exactly why he died.
I just went out and brought all the newspapers :(
I have the white tape round my fingers like this:


He has it on his right hand on 3 fingers 2nd finger, 4th finger and 5th finger
Here are some AMAZING pictures from THIS IS IT rehersals :|
He looks so great..so much effort hes putting in...Michael I love you - i cant believe your gone..you so wanted to perform again for your fans.

You can tell their from This Is It because in one of them the background has THIS IS IT in the scenery





I was out tonight, too hyper to sleep now, my friend is here asleep haha! Me and my friend both really like MJ songs so we made the DJ play 'Billie Jean' and 'Beat It', we begged him for ages to play 'Smooth Criminal' but he wouldn't :(
Now I have a mixture of 'Bad', 'Heal The World', 'Dirty Diana', 'Smooth Criminal', 'Beat It' and 'Billie Jean' running through my head!
Becca, that tribute was beautiful. That touched my heart. I knew you loved him, but I didn't know you loved him like that. I didn't know you cared THAT much about him. I'm so sorry about your loss.

I miss Michael. I have been listening to his songs, watching shows about him, watching his concerts on tapes and researching him on the computer for days now. I am making my podcasts about him, and I think I'm going insane! I have been in this hypnotized melt-down for days, and I think I am going crazy. I miss him so much. Like I said earlier, I have this tape of his 30th Anniversary concert, and some lady sang "You are not Alone", and I suddenly felt like he was in the room with me. What a coincedence that "You are not Alone" would actually come on at a time like this. I wanted to cry. Now I am, because I want him back. But I feel like he is smiling down from Heaven on me everyday.

I know this is a little off topic, but I am watching a show, and a girl is getting married to a guy named Michael! I'm going crazy! :raspberry:
Oh, and by the way, I love the pictures you posted, Becca, of his Tribute concert. Especially the first one! :inlove: See people, that's the hair I wished he would of kept!

I'm talking about the one wear he is wearing cream jacket, black pants/shirt, white hat, with a blue thing on his right arm. He is standing with a gray background. So cute! I seriously wished he would of curled his hair like that everyday! (He's such a love guru! :p)
I've just brought an Mj band off ebay - its like a bracelet that says RIP Michael Jackson on it..just something i can wear everyday so i know I've always got something as a tribute to him
This is what I did/made because its been 1 week. So my 1 week tribute :nerves1

These aren't all the pics only ones from my phone i have better ones from the camera:








i love him so much - not sure how i've lasted a week
