Michael Jackson

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Just trying something..im trying to see how big it is cuz on photbucket and in my files it looks realy small but i want to see how big it goes..if youu get me?
Grrr why is it so small...i put it big on photobucket..wierrd
Oh that might be why..it might be orignally small..oh well thanks :D
╔♫═╗╔╗ ♥
╔╝╚╗♫╚╣║║║║╔╣╚╗╔╣║♫║♥ Michael♥


My MJ vid I made! :D

I'm so haaaappppppyy! This picture is from YESTERDAY!
He looks amaaazing! That girl is so lucky.....


emmj (F) says:
*BECCCAAA! i love you :D i LOVE MJ fans...
you're one of them :)
*the nice ones :}
   B    ecmj.....(L)   M    ichael.   J    ackson says:
*youu tooo
*i lovee youu muchly :D

lol! Sorrry this is one of the friends i#ve made through michael :hearts:
[align=center] At June 13th, 2005, 02:13 p.m., the verdict was read: not guilty in each and every count.

Exactly 4 years today...

Unconfirmed reports, apparently. But enough for the reputable news channels to report it. He's definitely had a cardiac arrest but how he is now, still seems speculation.
Sorry Becca -- as much as I disagree with your love for this nutjob, it is sad to see him pass. He was truly an international icon...not just a US or UK icon.

Sad day today...Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. And Ed McMahon a couple of days ago...mommy always told me it happens in threes....
I agree. Very sad day. If this is true, it is a tragic loss to the world because, whatever else he was, he was definitely a hugely talented man and provided the world with some amazing music.
timetowaste wrote:
Sorry Becca -- as much as I disagree with your love for this nutjob, it is sad to see him pass. He was truly an international icon...not just a US or UK icon.

Sad day today...Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. And Ed McMahon a couple of days ago...mommy always told me it happens in threes....
There was also David Carradine. :cry2

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