Meet Big Mama!!

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Welcome RandallRay,

Look at this Beauty!! What a cool rabbit.


This board has had a serious case of Flemish Fever going on -you've come to the right place. We're nuts aboutthem. We've picked up at least 4 in the past month.

I have a Polish, a Holland Lop, and a Flemish myself. Cali isthe Flemish's name and she's unbelieveable how she allows the otherlittle squirts to boss her around. They're such greatrabbits, aren't they? I love them as babies.They're so adorable. I had gotten Cali (she flew fromCalifornia to CT) at 6 months of age. She has no idea howintimidating her size is. When she came to me, she was 7.9oz., and as of this weekend, she weighed in at 13.14 oz.Needless to say, in the 6 months I've had her, she's doubled hersize.

What's your baby's name??

I'll bring back a post called, "Flemish Fever". You'll see some of our babies in there.



We started calling her Big Momma, but our daughter wants to call her Ruby.

Any of you that have kids must have seen the cartoon Ruby and Max.

She loves it. It comes on noggin tv for kids.

AWWWWWW! Look at that gorgeous babe!

I like Ruby too! It suits her...

I really NEED to get a flemish eh??????

"OH PETER......................................"



She is beautiful!! Has the awesomest face andcoloring! I love her bike, I was grounded because I rode on a 4 wheelerand my mom says she never wants me riding one again!!
Hello and Welcome.

What a beautiful addition to your family. She lookslike a Ruby too. My son used to watch that show. I think she'sgorgeous.

I am also a Flemish Mom. I have a 17 month old red eyed whitebuck named Apollo. Your daughter is one very Lucky little girl. Hugthat gorgeous girl for me.

Got any more pictures, Randallray??

Oh what a doll! Look at those chubby cheeks. I just want to moosh that adorable little face.

I can't wait until you post more pictures. I am so excited.

What an adorable Angel.

Hey folks,

Am I the only one that thinks this looks like a baby Pal? Their earsare that huge when they are adolescent, and that recent pic looks JUSTlike baby Bub. Those crinkly white-rimmed eyes, that orangecoat.....hmmmm.....

Gosh, what a beautiful rabbit.....and I love the name too!

I want a Flemish! I want a Flemish!

I want a Flemish! I want a Flemish!

I want a Flemish! I want a Flemish!



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