measure the bunny

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
I noticed yesterday that when Bub stretches to his fullest length, he comes nearly to my waist. Granted, I'm short, but still!

Was wondering if anyone has ever found stats for Palominos or otherlarge breeds as far as body length from nose to back foot, stretchedout? Not that I'll be able to keep him still long enough to get anaccurate measurement to compare.:p

The measurements are normally taken with a rabbitin the posed position from the nose to the base of the tail, andwouldn't be taken with the rabbit completely stretched out from nose torear toe. So -- you can be the first and compile somemeasurements for comparison.:)

For comparison, the Flemish Giant senior rabbit must be a minimum of 20inches from nose to tail base (in a posed position). However,the Flemish are posed differently than the commercial breeds, soexhibit a longer overall body length.


Fergi wrote:
Goodquestion Rose, Diva is pretty long all stretched out...I measured howlong she was and she came to 24 inches:shock:...One big bun!

Fergis' mom

I think Bub's close to 24 in., but I'd like to confirm that! wow!

Thanks for the measurement!

pamnock wrote:
Themeasurements are normally taken with a rabbit in the posed positionfrom the nose to the base of the tail, and wouldn't be taken with therabbit completely stretched out from nose to rear toe. So --you can be the first and compile some measurements for comparison.:)

For comparison, the Flemish Giant senior rabbit must be a minimum of 20inches from nose to tail base (in a posed position). However,the Flemish are posed differently than the commercial breeds, soexhibit a longer overall body length.


Well maybe I will do that!;)All I have to do is flip him overand streeeetch those big feet....he's so floppy when tranced!

20 in. posed, eh? And Flemmys aren't tucked in like Pals would be, right? They lay out a little more.



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