Meadow vs Bermuda?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
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I usually buy Meadow Grass, but I have been hearing that the two are the same, or almost the same. Any opinions? They seem to love the taste of Meadow Grass, but it gets a bit expensive.
Nutritionally all grass [non-alfalfa] hay is virtually the same as long as each is of the same quality. I'd try a small amount of the less expensive & if they like it there;s no reason not to switch to it.
I have never fed either (never even seen either). I have always fed timothy. I tried some costal, but my girls did not like it. I have never even fed alfalfa. I actually just ordered a mini bale of oat though to try (I keep hearing that it is amazing).
Tippy here....I've never tried meadow, but I eat a coastal/bermuda blend and it's NUMMY! It makes me sneeze a little sometimes, but it tastes really good.
Where do you buy the coastal/bermuda blend? I'm experimenting with different hays to add to their timothy hay and that sounds like a good one:)

So far, they LOVE oat hay and orchard grass. They really like meadow grass and still enjoy the timothy hay. But they go wild for the oat and orchard.
The nutritional composition of all grass hays (timothy, bermuda, meadow, orchard, oat, etc.) is basically the same. I prefer to offer an assortment as I think they like the variety and the different textures, lengths and diameters gives their teeth different surfaces to wear against.
Mine currently get Timothy, Orchard, Oat, and Meadow. I think it's a good variety, since it gives them lots of different tastes and textures.
KittyKatMe wrote:
Mine currently get Timothy, Orchard, Oat, and Meadow. I think it's a good variety, since it gives them lots of different tastes and textures.
--howdy,-herbivores are strict grass eaters-(high in fiber-silica-ie.timothy)-for teeth,,-along with a healthy-gi tract- gut flora will keep the stress low to keep the bad bacteria low,--cecotropes are a must eat to replenish good gut flora,--diets of commercial goodies-(pet stores)-do the rabbit more harm than good,,-sincerely james waller:big wink::innocent

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