Me ranting about stupid people

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2007
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Canton, Michigan, USA
SO I went to the Renassaince (sp?) Festival today. I love it usually. This year, oh I'm mad. They had this huge pen set up with 10 or so TINY little dutch bunnies. The sign said Dragon Bait (which is not the part that made me mad)

These things were probably 8 weeks at the most and the lady said she's selling them on the last day. They were all just laying there. Eyes half open. It was uhm 85 degrees today and there was no hay and the water bowl was nasty. I have never seen a bun overheat but I imagine it was whatI saw today. SO yeah I almost was crying I went in the pen and sat with them and gave the lady looks as I kept saying "poor babies are so hot" There was one little hut thing in the middle and they were all smooshed on top of eachother trying to be in the little bit of shade.

And to top it all off she is going to send 10 bunnies to impulse buying homes where there are undoubtedly children who want to feed them to a dragon.......

Now everyone else can be mad with me.
No for some reason I wasn't in the mood today. But I did mention about 80 times that they were overheating, I really doubt it would have changed her mind anyway. I'm thinking she is a breeder (hopefully a breeder wouldn't do this though)seeing as they all were perfect and exactly the same. Beautiful little black and white babies. Deep sigh, poor things
File a complaint with the organizers of the festival....and complain to the city/county agency that provides permits to such festivals. And write the newpapers. Several year ago, I did something similar in Brunswick County, NC. It started with a letter to the editor of the local newspaper complaining about the living conditions forrabbits at a carnival that came thru in the the NC....and the entire carnival was set up on black asphalt in a shopping center parking lot.It was a fund raiser for the local police department. Then, it got picked up by one of the columnists that ran an article. Then we took our rabbits to the newspaper for some individual learning. The result was the county passed an ordinace forbidding the offering of live animals as "premiums" for contests at fairs, festivals, etc.....and includes fund raising raffles. As far as state laws, the ultra progressise State of North Carolina only restricts the offering of rabbits, ducks and chicks under the age of 8 weeks that is everenforced. It's about time a change was made.

My friend in Ill went to a fair several years back where baby rabbits were given as prizes for some kind of game. She said people were leaving the baby rabbits to die in the sun and it so infuriated her that she contacted the organization promoting the fair and said that this was cruelty and that she would never again go to turns out that other people had complained also and they stopped with the baby animals. I think that Randy is right.
angieluv wrote:
My friend in Ill went to a fair several years back where baby rabbits were given as prizes for some kind of game. She said people were leaving the baby rabbits to die in the sun and it so infuriated her that she contacted the organization promoting the fair and said that this was cruelty and that she would never again go to turns out that other people had complained also and they stopped with the baby animals. I think that Randy is right.

Here is an article from Buckeye HRS on a similar situation. "Not So Lucky" is the title. The article includes information on how to write a letter of concern/complaint and to whom to send it.

angieluv wrote:
My friend in Ill went to a fair several years back where baby rabbits were given as prizes for some kind of game. She said people were leaving the baby rabbits to die in the sun and it so infuriated her that she contacted the organization promoting the fair and said that this was cruelty and that she would never again go to turns out that other people had complained also and they stopped with the baby animals. I think that Randy is right.
Oh god, how horrific. Our fairs haven't ever had rabbits that I know of. So that's good for here. If there were, I'd be doing something about it;).
Yeah it wasn't the big regular one. The Michigan Ren Fest would never allow it. It was some other one that travels. I'll go on the website to see if I can find contact info.

I felt bad but I am glad my sis was there stopping form brining home 10 babies. How much is that in spays/neuters?:shock:

Thanks guys I just needed a push to get pumped enough to flip out

I can't stress that enough. It is very heartbreaking to hear/see things and stories of buns in bad situations.

Please remember that.:kiss:
Good for you on the first wave of emails. How can humans disregard animals so easily? there are times I just hate humans.
Hopefully you can make a difference in this situation... let us know if you hear anything back from your emails!

Wow i can't beleive that is allowed, over here we have just had a new animal welfare bill passed now you can't even win a goldfish at a fair never mind a rabbit.

Hopefully America will pass something similar

Dear Ms. Schoch,
We appreciate your concern for Shaggy Shagbark's wee bunnies.
Please let us reassure you that they are well taken-care-of, and that the owner of that booth is well-aware of the care that rabbits require. He is a reputable breeder, and I'm sure he knows to screen potential purchasers for the "impulse buy." In the many years that he has been vending at Silver Leaf Renaissance Faire, he has never either "lost" a baby bunny, nor sold one while on site.

Beckalyn Hansmann
SLRF Productions, Inc. Merchant Co-Director

((Haha, right))

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