Max's Runny Nose

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naturestee wrote:
As much as we push pain meds, I think it's good that yourvet only gave the shot. That way you can see how he reactsand if he really needs more pain meds. That's what my regularvet does. The emergency vet prescribed several days worth ofMeticam, and wouldn't you know that it sends Fey straight intostasis? She did fine once I stopped the meds.
Yeah, and MBB thinks Simethicone gave one of her guys diarrhea, andit's a really safe drug, so you can never be sure of areaction.(Hey, I get a bad reactionfromapples!).

Sounds likeMax is doing great.:)If he's got a gut full of food, and he's atrooper, I doubt he'll need the Medacam, although depending on itsshelf life, it's good to have itaround.

It really does seem to affect Pipp'skidneys, I have to gether drinking tons of water, otherwise she sits in her box for a longtime and generally just doesnt' act right. Butshe's also a total wimp, she won't touch a thing if she's slightlyuncomfortable. :rollseyes:

SHe won't eat or drink at all without pain meds.

sas et al
I think the flavored Baytril is something thatthe vet or a compounding pharmacist has to make, because the onlyBaytril flavors that I've heard of that are straight from themanufacturer are unflavored or liver. My regular vet hospitalfrequently compounds or alters medicines to make them more tasty or tomake a pill into liquid so they're easier to give. From whatI've read, apparently not all vets do this.

It's definately worth looking into. My apple flavored Baytrilcontained an added apple flavor and an added sweetener. Istill had to force it into the rabbit's (Tank the railroad bunny's)mouth, but she seemed to like the taste.

Although if Max will take the Baytril willingly with carrot juice, I'dstick with that. I've had good luck with mixing drugs withcanned pumpkin. Pumpkin is a favorite treat around here plusI know their stomachs are used to it.
After reading all this stuff...Im definitelythinking Max will be going to a new vet in the future. I heard theres areally good rabbit savvy one about 1/2 hour from my house. My local vetis awesome with dogs and cats..but I think other than routine thingslike neuter etc, he doesnt know too much about rabbits.

When I called him today to inquire about pain meds, he told me theynever give pain meds to rabbits. I told him about the meticam, and howI know a lot of rabbit owners whose vets give them that, so he was ableto look up the dosage and get me some just in case. I would love tohave someone who actually knew all this stuff (plus all this talk offlavored meds for bunnies makes me jealous..poor Max has to suffer withLiver :-(). Anyway..I think we're gonna search around for somebunnyelse :)

Other than that,Max seems to be doing well...eating pooping etc. Thanks guys!
Never gives pain meds to rabbits?Ever? Yeah, you need a new vet. Mine is cautiousabout pain meds but he always gives them for 1-2 days at least, thenmore if needed.
yeah, he said they just give a shot of pain meds when they perform surgery.

We're checking out some new places in the next few weeks. My localrabbit rescue shelter (where Im gonna start volunteering) had some goodvets for me :)
how is max, bella is going for surgery on wednsday, she also has a large abcess, aso we just lost beka which was bellas sis, i put pine needles into her house, does anyone no if they are poison, i asked the vet-she seemed to think not.

You might want to send Haley a private message as she hasn't been on the forum much / As far as I know Max is well.

I don't thik that it's a good idea to put pine needles into herhouse . if she chews them the oil in them is not good for rabbits and also pine needles could stick a bunny and might hurt her

Let us know who how your buns surgery goes.
Just seeing this. Max is really doing well. This thread is actually from his first surgery- this vet did not do a very good job with this situation and should have removed all the teeth and had him on strongger antibiotics. The abcess came back bigger and more resiliant. Max had a second surgery about a year later to remove the abscess and all the other remaining teeth. I had to flush the wound daily with a baytril/saline mix and give him injections of Bicilin for months. He's doing great now!

Be sure to check out our Library for lots of info about abscesses. You need a vet who is experienced treating them in rabbits. Make sure you insist on a strong pain medicine and antibiotics (preferably injectible).

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