Mallory, Morgan, Madilyn-Mae, and Marlyn: 2007

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Thank you so much f_j! I can't wait to actually MEET my new lady bun tomorrow! lol

I am nervous about trying to get the boys into their carrier and takethem in the car all the way there. I'm sure they will be fine though.They had to ride in the car for 3 hours to get to me, lol.

- Amy
Can't be long now!!!!:colors: I really have no idea, time differences make me all confused. =P

I'm looking forward to see how you've got it all set up,andseeing pictures of the little lady of course!:bunnydance::bunnydance:

Well, it's 8:43 am my time (YES IT WAS UP AT 7am, haha!) and we leave at 11:00am my time.

Her set up isn't special. I wish I was! I'm not exactly finishedyet....I have to though! It's just a X-Large Super Pet cage with anattached NIC panel fence. Since she is now going to be staying in myfiance's brother's room, I have to put an ugly tarp :)grumpy) down overthe carpet incase of accidents.

Ah well...I must go finish her room and get my make up and hair done!

- Amy:brownbunny

Right, so that means you're seven hours behind me, it'll be 9pm my time when you pick her up.

Hopefully I'll be on when you put the pictures up!!:colors:
Phew, time differences are weird! Yes, hopefully you are on to see some good pictures of her:D.

We leave in an hour. I want to leave NOOOOOW! Maybe I can tell Ryan ifwe leave now we can go out and eat a nice lunch before we have to pickher up, hehe!

- Amy:brownbunny
We are leaving now, getting to Phoenix andhaving lunch, going to get Madilyn-Mae in Tempe....then home to postpictures for you guys!:bunnydance:

- Amy
We are home! We got back a little while ago. MAN, was that a looooong trip. Beh, 4 1/2 hours in the car.

The scenery the whole way was basically this....





Then we came back home with this beautiful lady







This is her temporary set up....





We got there and went into the house and the woman'sdaughter picked her right up out of her cage and handed her to me. Shedidn't struggle or anything!

The cage they had her in was TINY though. It was one of those transportshow cages with the divider in the center. Poor little baby. She isjust gorgeous though and was well cared for, besides the cage.

Her nails are pretty long. I think I may try to cut them...or I may just have the vet do it when she goes in for her spay.

I got her home and got her area all set up with her toys. She didn'tcome out of the cage. I haven't checked on her in an hour, so she mayhave came out by now. I put her food out in the pen area to try to gether to come out. I have been trying VERY hard to leave her alone.

I gave her some of her pellets that she is on right now, with a TINYbit of my Oxbow pellet mixed in....she ate it all up out of my hand.She also has been munching on hay. I hope she drinks though. No poopiesyet, though I haven't been in to check on her within the past hour.

I went in and sat on the floor to take pictures of her a a little video(which I have to find a place to upload it to)...and she stomped at me,hehe.

Well...I have some laundry to throw in, gotta make the boy's their salad, then check on Madilyn!

Ohh....and the boys are still fine. I don't think they have smelled her yet!

- Amy:brownbunny
Oh she is so adorable. I am sure it won't be long before she'll be checking everything out if she's stomping at you already....

She's beautiful and I love her name.

Look forward to may more pictures.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
I think it's angry stomps!

I just went in to check on her and she was out in her little playspace. I sat down in there to hang out. She wasn't scared one bit. Shehopped around me and sniffed all her toys. She hops weird....I think itmay be because of the tarp on the ground.

Anyway. She scared the crap out of me. She NEEDS to be spayed ASAP. Ican tell she's hormonal. I was sitting there and she kind of charged atme. She then went away and came up to me so I pet her head and shebasically lunged at my hand. She can probably smell the boys on me. Ishould be careful about that until after her spay. I will take care ofher, then the their scent won't be so strong on myclothes....even though it probably will be because they are in mybedroom and their hair is all over my clothes even if I don't touchthem.

No poopies from her yet either.

- Amy

First of all ~ and this is my opinion only ~ the stomps and charging at you are good signs.

It means she is accepting where she is ~ she is not going to cower in some cage ~ and she is going to claim some space as hers.

Is she afraid? Maybe a bit.

But she honestly sounds like she is pretty well adjusted and socializedsomewhat since she is not just cowering in a corner when you come in.

I would sit there and offer her treats from my open hand.

Lionheads are VERY curious and they love to see what is up. They maywait and watch for five or ten minutes but if they believe there is nodanger - they like to go up and explore something. Many of them willlook around it on different sides, etc. to make sure there isabsolutely no danger at all....

I really think that these are good signs she's showing. If shecontinues to charge at you - lightly push her head down and say "NO" ina soft but firm voice. Once she submits, then lightly pet her.

The vast majority of my lionheads love to have the base of their ears rubbed lightly....

Thanks so much Peg! She really is such a sweetie. She is VERY curious of everything and a tiny bit scared.

I may go back and sit with her in a little while. I am trying not tomess with her too much, but she seems do be doing well and is verycurious. When I got the boys, I was "all over" them their first dayhere, hehe.

- Amy

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