Male Bonding/Brotherly Love???

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That is fantastic news Laura!!!

I hope it keeps going well for you :)

I know the hassles of trying to bond boy bunnies,my boys are bondedexcept for Pippi who just doesn't get along with Jack,but he gets alongwith the other boys though :?

Haley wrote:

have you tried using a little squirt gun? I do that for Tumnusif he bites. A good squirt and a loud NO seem to get thepointacross!
I think that mightscare Toby, and Iwon'thavethat. He's blind andhe gets hisfeelings hurt easily. It breaks my heart when he'supset. Yes, I'm an over-protective bunny mommy when it comesto my Toby.

cheryl13 wrote:
I know the hassles of trying to bond boy bunnies,my boys arebonded except for Pippi who just doesn't get along with Jack,but hegets along with the other boys though
I understand. It's too hard for me to keep up with which ofmine get along. It seems like the boys don't like Baby forsome reason. They both LOVE Snuggy, but of course shecouldn't care less about them. This new arrangement makes iteasier for everyone. Now the boys don't have to belonelyanymore.
Laura..i didn't know that Toby was blind :shock:,how long has he been blind for?

Yeah i can understand how protective you are over Toby,i'm the same waywith my Lulu who is also blind,and i just couldn't do anything to scareher either:)

cheryl13 wrote:
Laura..i didn't know that Toby was blind :shock:,how longhas he been blind for?
All his life, I think. I got him at eight weeks.Hehas a ruby cast to his eyes and always scanned ALOT.

Ourvet confirmed it last year. He said there'snothing physically wrong with his eyes, so he suspects it'sneurological, which scares me more. So far, no real problemsthough. He startles easily, so I have to talk to him as Ienter his room or open his cage.
*sigh*, this is just the kind of good news thatI need on a rainy day like today. You know what would make it evenbetter? Some Toby/Shadow pictures!

I'm so happy for them and you!

They're both getting haircuts soon, so they'llhave "the uglies" for a couple of weeks. I'll see if I canget a couple of pics before I get ahold of the scissors.

I forgot he was blind. Poor little guy. I can see how that would really traumatize him.

That just makes me even happier that bonding is going well. It will begood for Toby to have someone who can see for him, especially as heages.

Keep us posted Laura and keep up the good work!
Snuggys Mom wrote:
cheryl13 wrote:
Laura..ididn't know that Toby was blind :shock:,how long has he been blindfor?
All his life, I think. I got him at eight weeks.Hehas a ruby cast to his eyes and always scanned ALOT.

Ourvet confirmed it last year. He said there'snothing physically wrong with his eyes, so he suspects it'sneurological, which scares me more. So far, no real problemsthough. He startles easily, so I have to talk to him as Ienter his room or open his cage.
Ohh poor little guy,yeah i do exactly the same thing to Lulu when ienter the room,i will say her name and then i will pat her to let herknow i'm there,i have scared her by accident many times and i alwaysfeel mighty sorry for doing that to her :(

The vet said the same thing about Lulu eyes,he did give her a diabetestest though to see if that was the problem,but it came backnegative..thankgod!!

How do I get Shadow to stop humping Toby?

At first I was just letting him go at it so they could work it outthemselves. I thought it was just a dominance thing, but nowI'm confused.

Shadow is acting like a mating buck! :shock:

Doesn't he realize he has no testicles? He is biting andpulling fur out of Toby's back during the "sexual abuse". Ihave to pull him off every 30 seconds.

Poor Toby shouldn't have to put up with so much of this. Bless his heart.

Shadow is a little freak!

I wonder if distracting them will help?

Like giving them some veggies to share, giving shadow some toys to play with, a stuffed toy...

maybe let shadow out before toby to expend some of that energy before they're out together?

Hopefully someone else has had experience with this...
Basil used to hump Max's head like crazy. I feltso bad, and sometimes I would knock him off, but I knew it was up tothem to sort it out. He never did the fur-pulling though.

I would make sure Toby has a place he can get in to get away (like asmall space where Shadow cant follow-maybe a little box or something).Max would always eventually run and hide when Basil would do that.

I know its frustrating, but unless you think Toby is being hurt or is in too much stress, just let them work it out..

Maybe someone else has some ideas..

Good Luck!
I usually let Shadow out for about an hour before Toby comes out. Shadow just lays by Toby's cage.

I think Shadow is IN LOVE with Toby. Seriously.

Shadow: :inlove:

Toby: :run:

Run Toby run! :rofl:

Shadow sounds like what Sprite wanted to be when I was rebonding theHotot Duo. Difference was that Fey wasn't going to allow anyof it, and Sprite eventually learned that if she wanted to be near Feyshe had to stop leaping for her rear end at everyopportunity. She actually did get on Fey's head once, but shehad this look on her face like "This isn't right." I guessnobody told her she was a girl, and spayed at that!

I did find that distracting them with veggies and willow baskets full of hay helped.

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