Male Bonding/Brotherly Love???

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Toby and Shadow had their first bonding session last night.

It went REALLY well! MUCH better than I'd hoped!

Ally and I put them on the dining room table. Toby, who Iexpected to be aggressive, just kind of froze. Shadow keptpresenting his head to Toby. I don't know if he wanted toshow his submission orget groomed, or both.

Anyway, they were there, side by side, for 5 to 10 minutes with NOfighting.Shadow was very sweet.Hekept shoving his head under Toby's. Toby prettymuch ignored him, but he wasn't aggressive, either, which isgreat.

They are actually brothers. They were born two months apart,but they had the same parents. I wonder if they can sensethat...

They've been lonely bachelor boys since I gotthem.It would be fantastic if I could fully bondthem. Then I would have two happy bonded pairs.

Wish me luck!

I know it's VERY early in this process, but I'm just thrilled about last night.

Oh that's so awesome, Laura! I think Shadow was showing submission and he wanted to be groomed. Jordi does that all the time.

I'm so excited for you! Yay!:toastingbuns
That's fantastic Laura! what a great start for the boys,i would eventually love to see those two together:)

Toby and Shadow had another nice bonding session tonight:





Keep your fingers crossed for us!

I'm so happy for you Laura! those pictures areabsolutely beautiful,omg! Toby is so so soooooo handsome and look atShadow's fur, i just love those two fur balls!!!!!

ohh well it looks like i'm totally smitten with your four fur kids Laura lol

It's just so great that the boys are getting along with each other,hahaand they compliment each other just like your two girls lol

Keep up the good work Toby and Shadow!

wishing you all the luck in the world



My early sessions with Basil and Max were never that good (and now theyre bet friends)!

Congrats..heres hoping things continue to go so well!
Update on the boys' bonding:

I moved Shadow's cage into Toby's room about a week and a halfago. Toby wasn't too happy at first, but calmed down after afew days. Shadow has been very friendly. Toby seemsto be justtolerating Shadow, but is no longer trying tobite.

They had a really great bonding session Saturday night, so last night Ilet them play togetherin their roomfor the firsttime. Iwas right there to break up any scuffles,but they did great.

Wehave officially moved on to the second phase of bonding,"the mounting stage". They take turns, but "Sir Humps a lot"(aka Shadow) seems to be the dominant bun at this point. Thatsurprised mebecause Toby was the aggressive one in thebeginning.

There hasn't been any grooming yet, but I amVERY happy with the way things are progressing.


I felt so bad for my poor girl, Snuggy last night. The boys'and girls' rooms are separated by a NIC gate. They can comeup and "talk" to each other through the gate.

Well, Shadow decided to spray poor Snuggy through the gate lastnight. :X She was drenched. I think itshocked her and really hurt her feelings. She justfroze. I walked over and picked her up (which she never letsme do willingly). I dried her off and fawned over her for awhile. She looked so pitiful. I've never seen herlike that.

I had Shadow neutered when I got him in March, but he was already 10months old and I guess old habits die hard. He won't beallowed out duringthe girls'playtimeanymore.

Haley wrote:
Laura, Any progress on bonding?
YES! Things are going well.

I think I actually caught Toby licking Shadow's face last night! :D

I let them have supervised play togethernow (not every day though).

Now if I can just get Shadow to quit humping Toby, I'll behappy. He's pulling Toby's hair out when he does this, and Idon't like it (I know it's normal though). I remove him eachtime, put my palm to his head and say"no".

Shadow is SO happy to be around another bun, he just follows Tobyeverywhere. Toby is pretty tolerant of Shadow's behavior, butI watch him closely. I know what he's capable of (he tore ahole in Baby's eara couple of monthsago).
thats wonderful!

have you tried using a little squirt gun? I do that for Tumnus if hebites. A good squirt and a loud NO seem to get thepointacross!

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