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Oh! I see now, gjsara.
(Those Blockbuster commercials with the bunny and the guinea pig always made me smile.)
How have Lyla and Miss Pig been getting along lately?
How did you solve the hay issue?
well miss pig is fat as ever !!! it seems nomatter what i do she just sits there like a bump on a log of coruseshe has been a momma two times maybe that has somthing to dow/ it, lyla on the other hand is a hand full shes a littleball of untamed energy, she wakes me up every morning so she can getout of her cage and run her laps it is the funniest thing all you seeis a white cotten ball fly by every once in a while. but wheni let lem out together lyla runs around miss pig trys to keep up,then when the settle down lyla gives her kisses ,i imagineshe thinks i love you i just wanted my own home
the hay issue has been solved i had to buy her a new cage itisthe same design as the guinea pigs only its the rabbitsize(she looks so tiny in it!!!) but this time the feed trogh came witha grate to go in front of it so she counld go potty in her food. shecould eat from the sides well i left it down for the first couple daystill she found the corner she liked and now everything is fine
oh yes i forgot about that comercil hahaha .
how are you buns doing?