lucky bun

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You're a modern day hippie ;)and I'm a tree hugger, lol. Yeah I agree that words a bit out dated!

This just reminded something that was in the paper a long time ago, youknow how one generation of people were called 'baby boomers'? Well thisgeneration of kids is called 'gaybeboomers' (gay-be-boomers). I justfind that kind of funny! lol.
Haven't heard that one yet, MyBunnyBoys, but I know I will!

What I'm still trying to get used to his the guys being 'metro sexuals'now, meaning that they have the same beauty regimes as we do. Whyshouldn't they pamper themselves as well, but I don't think I'll everget used to seeing a guy put on clear lipstick as he complains that hisnail polish is chipped.

Hey, I'm a hippie! Hippies are cool. (takethat u8myhouse :p) To almost everyone who knows me, I'm thehippie. I don't mind so much, kind of take it as a compliment.

Hey sorry to bring up the thinking animal subjectagain, but I wanted to add to the elephant conversation. I sawsomething a few years ago,about elephants who had lived incaptivity together for many, many years. The matriarch of the groupdied several years before the film was made. The elephants caretakersplayed a recording of the matriarch's noises (or language) for theremaining elephants. They recognized her voice even after years withouther and began to look around for her and cry for her. I don't rememberall the details (I don't have an elephant-like memory ;)) It wastouching and moving.

Survival of the fittest is the way nature works. It's hard to acceptthat animals that we love so much are sometimes bred for the purpose offeeding animals that other people love. There's nothing wrong withhurting for the rabbits that are fed to reptiles, without taking intoaccount our own choices in food and clothing. It's hard to beconsistent in every aspect of life. Especially when loving a particularanimal is such a big part of all of our lives. While I'm sure snakeowners and snake breeders love their pets and want the best diet forthem, it is hard to comprehend how the snake owner who loves his orheranimal so much canfeed it eat another animal.It's different than opening a can of dog or cat food, because we are sofar removed from what is in the can. Feeding your pet animals is just adifferent experience. It's hard to imagine purposefully feeding my cator dog a rabbit or a pig. It takes a different mindset to own a petwith such feeding requirements. Not to say it's "right" or "wrong" it'sjust different than what many of us can do. Rabbit meat breeding isjust hard to accept no matter how real it is and who it benefits.

Really interesting thread.
Wow, well Im brand new to this forum and I mustsay hello to everyone and that I wishI didnt read thisthread. Regardless of opinion this is a bunny lovers forum and it is noplace to be talking about feeding rabbits to snakes. Regardless if itswrong right cruel, evil or animal nature. My god please not in here, Imnot going to be able to sleep. Its not a discussion orthreadI want to read and I have nothing to learn from it. Iknow what snakes do and have to do to survive but please dont remeindme in a place where people come to love thier rabbits. Please tell meI'll never have to read a thread like this again. Im new and Ive beentraumatized lol,, please make the pain go away lol

Please read the post entitles "Meat Rabbits" that I'm about to bump up for you.
I don't have a problem with rabbits being raisedfor meat, but it bothers me when pet rabbits are sold for meat becausethey are so used to human contact and are suddenly being shipped off tobe used as food. And for those of you who do, think about what you feedyour dog or cat. Lots of them contain horse meat or other meats. Orthink about what's on your table for supper, do you have anythingagainst eating chicken or beef for supper? It's the 'circle of life',and it happens no matter what we want to happen. I'm not trying to berude, I'm an animals lover, but still have to think of things fromothers point of view, too.
Yes you have to. :pNo worries, there is nothing bad in it, just a statement Carolyn made to members a while ago.
LittleMija wrote:
Wow, well Im brand new to this forum and I must say hello toeveryone and that I wishI didnt read this thread. Regardlessof opinion this is a bunny lovers forum and it is no place to betalking about feeding rabbits to snakes. Regardless if its wrong rightcruel, evil or animal nature. My god please not in here, Im not goingto be able to sleep. Its not a discussion or threadI want toread and I have nothing to learn from it. I know what snakes do andhave to do to survive but please dont remeind me in a place wherepeople come to love thier rabbits. Please tell me I'll never have toread a thread like this again. Im new and Ive been traumatized lol,,please make the pain go away lol

hello welcome,we talk about all sorts of things here im sorryif it upset you but i think you probablly see worse things onthe news.:D
Sarah wrote:
Heysorry to bring up the thinking animal subject again, but I wanted toadd to the elephant conversation. I saw something a few yearsago,about elephants who had lived in captivity together formany, many years. The matriarch of the group died several years beforethe film was made. The elephants caretakers played a recording of thematriarch's noises (or language) for the remaining elephants. Theyrecognized her voice even after years without her and began to lookaround for her and cry for her. I don't remember all the details (Idon't have an elephant-like memory ;)) It was touching and moving.

Survival of the fittest is the way nature works. It's hard to acceptthat animals that we love so much are sometimes bred for the purpose offeeding animals that other people love. There's nothing wrong withhurting for the rabbits that are fed to reptiles, without taking intoaccount our own choices in food and clothing. It's hard to beconsistent in every aspect of life. Especially when loving a particularanimal is such a big part of all of our lives. While I'm sure snakeowners and snake breeders love their pets and want the best diet forthem, it is hard to comprehend how the snake owner who loves his orheranimal so much canfeed it eat another animal.It's different than opening a can of dog or cat food, because we are sofar removed from what is in the can. Feeding your pet animals is just adifferent experience. It's hard to imagine purposefully feeding my cator dog a rabbit or a pig. It takes a different mindset to own a petwith such feeding requirements. Not to say it's "right" or "wrong" it'sjust different than what many of us can do. Rabbit meat breeding isjust hard to accept no matter how real it is and who it benefits.

Really interesting thread.

dont apoligize VERY GOOD POST:D:D:D

Carolyn wrote:

You're right! The term "hippie" is dated. I'm surprised one of the generations hasn't upgraded it yet.

I found out that it's not cool to say cool anymore. :shock: That was a harsh awakening.

sorry, i was reffering to this. it was said a whole page ago.
i am sorry for starting this argument aboutanimals, but if all of you could see Lucky in the garden now, a happy,healthy bun and his six beautiful babies then i don't think you wouldeven think about feeding him to a snake!!
m.e. wrote:
Hey, I'm a hippie! Hippies are cool.
I wonder if this is a common bunny lover trait. I've alwaysfelt like a hippie myself...well except for the whole marijuanathing. lol
m.e. wrote:
Hey,I'm a hippie! Hippies are cool. (take that u8myhouse :p) Toalmost everyone who knows me, I'm the hippie. I don't mind so much,kind of take it as a compliment.


I don't believeanyone waspicking on hippies,(certainly I wasn't). We werejust laughing that theterm hasn't been updated through the years. Fourdecades later, when the term 'hippies' is mentioned, one still tends tothink of the Flower Power Child of the 60s.


morgan wrote:
i amsorry for starting this argument about animals, but if all of you couldsee Lucky in the garden now, a happy, healthy bun and his six beautifulbabies then i don't think you would even think about feeding him to asnake!!

You didn't start anything, Morgan. I'm sorry this happened toyou, but in the end, it was a good discussion. No apologynecessary.

So glad your little one is happy and I love your story.



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