Heres my 2 cents. I'm pretty much non-biased,since I have a pet rabbit, and I rescued 2 rats from my friends bioteacher last year before he fed 'em to his snake. I've also had lots ofhamsters. Yes, it is sad that you have to feed animals to animals. Butif thats what people like, then thats what they like. I say if someonewants to feed animals to animals, then just dont let me watch, and donttell me about it. It's just like my opinion of humans eating animals.I'm a vegetarian, and if i can avoid it, I dont buy leather or furproducts. If you feel strongly about something, you do as much as youcan in favor of helping it, but I also think people should realize theycant stop everything. I mean, think about it. (first of all, fishpellets actually contain fish). If snakes and reptiles didnt eat otheranimals, is it fair to them to let them die just because you want tosave another animal? I say if people wanna feed rodents and rabbits tosnakes and lizards, so be it. Just dont let me do it. I love animals,dont get me wrong. But i could *never* own a reptile for that reason.
This is strictly my opinion, and if i stepped on anyone's toes, i apologize.