Louis is recovering from Emergancy Surgery :-(

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I have collected Louis and he looks better than he did this morning and a hundred times better than he did last night. His poo is becoming more solid, he has eaten a little bit on his own and he seems brighter. He has been giving lots of pain releif and he had a shot before he left to top him up and has also been sent home with some science recover to give him if he doesnt eat or drink a lot.

He is back at the vets at 9.30 tomorrow for another follow up and then we are going to take it from there.

Since he has come home he has eaten hay - infact I can hear him eating it now :D
Thanks everyone - little update for you

Louis has eaten hay and a few crasins and a little carrot so his apetite is picking up! - He has been doing a lot more poo, which are now 98% SOLID. He has been on the bed for the last hour or so and seems to be happy with that.

Small tip - Louis FREAKS at the site of a siringe and so when I went to give him some science recovery earlier I didnt really want to give it to him via a siringe so instead I put it on a spoon and smeered in on his mouth - he didnt like me doing this either but I think he prefered it - anyway he had to then lick his face to get it off and therefore ate the food :D -- I wouldnt have thought that this would have worked last night as he was too sick to care but it is worth a try for anyone trying to force feed a sick bun
I've smeared pumpkin all over bo's foot and mouth too! He gave me the death stare while licking it off. :p
Aww...I'm SO HAPPY to hear he's doing so much better...I can't wait to hear of a full recovery! :)

And LOL at the "death stare"...Maisie gives that to me whenever I syringe her something. She'll sit and take it...but gives me a look that could kill the whole time...hehe!

I think it's funny...someone so adorable trying to look tough...hehe!!
Bo becomes all legs and ....... legs! when we try to give him anything! he has to fight and jump and freak out..... the brat!

Yeah, cute. lol.
Yeah, I know...the claw tracks (and cuts) up and down your arms aren't fun. The first time I tried to give Maisie her meds, my arms were MAD AT ME!! They looked horrible...I should've gotten a picture. It's funny how much damage a little 5lb bunny can cause!

How much does Bo weigh? He looks BIG...but he's a mini-rex, right?
he's about 4.5 pounds now. He's a bit big but that picture is of him with my daughter about 2 years ago. She's going on 12 this week.

He's been on a diet.... he's not happy.

How's Louis doing now that he's been home awhile??? I couldn't sleep when Bo came home. I just held him and let him sleep and rocked him and just watched him LOL!

I am so protective of him.
He is doing really well thanks - his appitite is returning but not quite normal yet, I think it will just take time. He has turned into a bit of a mummies boy lately and he is getting very jelous when I fuss Grace.

He is on the bed at the moment so I took a picture for you all


Hehe i loved the picture..he's so cute..ohh i cannot believe how gorgeous he is...i absolutely love his colouring.

I'm happy to hear that Louis is much better now :)


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