Louis is recovering from Emergancy Surgery :-(

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He is in shock. Get his body temp up. What pain meds is he on? Do you have an electric heating pad? That would work best. Hot water bottles..towels heated in the clothes dryer. What ever it takes....get him warm. If nothing else....put him inside your top next to your skin andwrap up with a blanket. If he stays in shock for any period of time....things will not go well. There is a somewhat controversial treatment that we use with severely injured animals...some vets will and some won't....but a round of Dex SP (a steroid) would be something I would seriously consider at this point. It is a huge trade off and there would have to be some serious considerations due to the invasive surgery and the high threat of infections...but options may be quite limited at this point. I would not leave food in his mouth...he can easily aspirate the food and walk himself into more problems. I would not concern myself with food at this time....it's not important. I would give him oral fluids....whatever your version of an electrolyte formula is...it's Pedialyte here....but this guy most likely needs aggressive fluids via sub-q or preferably IV. He should be getting the most aggressive narcotics for pain. And please do not give him gut motility drugs. He will not be able to handle that at this point.

Hindsight is almost always perfect....and we all know you did what you thought was right based on the doctor's findings....which may or maynot have been correct. Not one person here will blame you for this situation. This is not the time to discuss what has happened....let's try to save a life. There are a lot of healing vibes headed to Louis.


OMG!! Good luck little fella!! You can do it!! Hang in there!

Sending LOTS of good vibes:

:rainbow::bouquet::magicwand::balloons::pink iris::clover::pray:
Louis made it through the night!!!!

It looked touch and go at some points but he is still here and seemed to pick up at about 5am and just get a bit more life into his eyes.

I spent all night siringe feeding him and giving him water so he now hates me but I would rather have a living bunny that hates me than a dead one that doesnt. I also kept him next to a hot water bottle with a towel over him to trap in the heat.

I rang the vets at 8.30 and they said to bring him straight in so he was there when Erica got in. The nurse who looked after Louis was telling me about the extremes they went through to keep him warm in surgery - bubble wrap, heat pads blankets etc etc.

When Erica walked in she thought he was there because he had pulled out his stitches not because he was sick. She examined him and said that his tempreture was now normal - Im hoping that wasnt just because he went there sat on a hot water bottle - and that she was pleased to be able to hear gut sounds , which she couldnt yesterday - she let me have a listen too. She said yesterday she couldnt hear any only his heart beat. He wasnt dehydrated which is good so I guess what I did get in him kept him toped up.

She then showed me his x-ray and how his intestine was the wrong shape, indicating there was something wrong, and also that his stomach was enlarged there was also something dodgy looking in his colon.

She said that she is keeping him in today and that she is going to give him probiotics, antibiotics in case he is getting an infection, she may give him metacam. She said that she might give him painkillers, although he doesnt seem to be in pain and he had 48 hours worth yesterday. She then said I had to go home and get some sleep and she would ring me this afternoon - She also said that she wasnt going to charge for having him in!

At the moment Im confident Louis is going to make a full recovery as he has improved so much but I do know I have to be a bit careful as rabbits can suddenly go down hill. I feel as though he is in the right place and with a good vet so at least I can sleep soundly knowing he is getting the best care.
I'm glad he is still fighting. I really hope he keeps fighting and improving.

That's such good news! You must be exhausted! but you pulled him through last night. I think he's got a better chance now!

I just wonder why everything seemed so strange and then she found nothing!? Weird!

Keep us posted! I hope he's home soon!
I'm rooting for him as well. Very greatful to hear he made it through the night!
Thanks for all the good wishes everyone, Louis and I apprechiate it.

I spoke to the vet an hour or so ago and Louis isnt any worse but he isnt doing much better either.

Apparently he is eating hay on his own but she is still having to siringe feed him but he is giving her plenty of fight to do it so he isnt feeling too crappy. He has had painkiller and she is going to send him home with some metacam to be on the safe side.

He isnt stressed about being at the vets, I think he is used to it, but she thinks that he may as well come home tonight. She has a cat in and is going back to check on it at about 11.30 but I dont think there will be anyone there through the night so in that case I would rather he was home - she said "I dont want you staying up all night worrying about him though so if thats the case I would rather he was here" - which is nice that she is concerned about the both of us.

She wants to check the size of his stomach, which was enlarged yesterday, to make sure there isnt something going on there and she is going to try and do an ultra sound to do that, rather than xray, as it is a lot less invasive because he has already been through so much already.

He does still have diorea, which isnt good and that is something I would really like to be better soon for his sake. She is giving him a probiotic to help and is going to give him some supreme recovery (I think thats it) food to see if that also helps him.

I am going to go down there at 6.30 to collect him and have another chat about where we go from here - I wonder at the moment if it will be a case of me taking care of him through the night and then taking him back there for the day shift.

Erica told him this morning that it didnt matter how stubbon he tried to be she was more stubbon so I dont think she is going to let anything happen to him

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