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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2019
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I have never done anything like this before so I'm pretty clueless. I think I'm mostly writing this to calm myself down because something super awesome should happen soon!!!! Ok, I'll start from the beginning. I am Clara and I have five rabbits (for now:) Three Holland Lops, Sandy, Patty and Bambi, One Mini Lop, Abigail (Abby for short) and one adorable Dwarf Hotot, Wally, (with an attitude problem)( He is actually super sweet, just grumpy sometimes) Those are all my sweet bunnies.

This is my first time breeding rabbits and I was hoping I could get helpful tips from this site:)

Right, so, about a month ago I bred Sandy and Patty, through the past month they have shown no sign of being pregnant. Sunday was actually day 31 and no babies came. BUT!!!!! Sandy started making a nest! She had it made really nice and the only thing missing was her fur. I got super excited, I really thought the babies would have come last night but they didn't! I went out later last night to check on her and she had completely demolished her nest!!!!!!! I have no idea why!! Does anyone have any tips? She hasn't touched the nest all day long and I'm getting worried.:(

On the bright side Patty started her nest today! I hope she doesn't destroy hers as well.
Oops, sorry I am still learning how to use the site.

This is Bambi my male Holland Lop. He is two years old and super sweet.❤
Sorry about the bad pictures:(my cameras not that good) This is Abby, three year old Mini Lop
Shes a little frazzled... she was goofing trying to avoid getting caught
I couldn't get pictures of the other two because they are to fiesty to be taken out and you can't see a thing through the cage:(
Maybe after they kindle I can get better pics.
Hi, don't worry about demolished nest she still has all the building material she can build another one. If she built it on day 31 it surely means something but sometimes they are late or decide not to kindle at all. Anyways you will have babies with another one so please post some pics here too we love pictures! :0

So as I understand you bred Sandy and Patty they are holland lops, hopefully father wasn't bigger than they so babies won't be too big for them and everything will go smoothly
Whew, thats good to know because the other doe, Patty, half wrecked her nest this morning. But Sandy started rebuilding hers!!!
Thank you soooooo much!!
This is Patty, the pictures are old though, so they are now a little bigger.WIN_20190801_13_23_32_Pro.jpg
This is Sandy, she was a lot harder to take a picture of. lol.WIN_20190801_13_23_14_Pro.jpg WIN_20190801_13_23_40_Pro.jpg
Sandy made huge progress on her nest!!! I have been checking on them about every hour, I am sooooooo excited:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Sandy is making her nest but in a wierd way! She is hollowing out the back of the nest box and leaving a cleared space in the very back. Do some does build their nests this way? Patty hasn't touched her nestbox since yesterday!! Do they usually take this long to build their nests?
Super awesome news!!!! Patty totally ignored her breakfast and was busy carrying hay around in her mouth, she stuffed her nestbox full of hay and some shreds of newspaper and now is busy pulling fur to put in her nest!!! I am soooo excited!!!
BTW is the newspapaer alright for her nest?
I'll add some pics of her and her nest:)


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I can not believe I missed it, but just a few minutes ago I found three newborn baby rabbits in Patty's nest!!!!!! I have no idea how I missed them before!! I am exploding right now!!! All three are alive and healthy and full!! Whew. I will try to attach some pictures later.
WOW. I am in shock! Patty is still pulling fur to cover them, its as if the babies came and she goes "Oops, I forgot to make a nest!"
Congratulations! So day 34 it was. Looking forward to pictures btw she can give you more later, sometimes after a few days. But 3 is great, you can be sure that they will be getting enough milk and will grow well :)

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