Looking for genetic genes for rabbits

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh Pa, , USA
Let me explain what I mean by this.

When you hear people talk about Lethal guinea pigs. That would be roan to roan or dal to dal.

I am looking for informations on like that in rabbits also about peanuts as well.

I have a website for rescues, fosters, transports, adoptions. I want toget each animals with things like that since many rescues get stuckwith pregnant pets from hoarders, back yard breeding and all.

Pm if you want to see the site unless I have permission to post it here. I should have it in my profile as well.

Not sure if this is what you mean, but Pam Nockhas a line breeding chart on her web site. Just click on her nameanywhere here on the forum and click "visit homepage" scroll down andclick "line breeding chart."
It is hard to explain but I will try my best here now.

Say for an example,

breed a himi bun to a himi bun you could get a deformed bun. I know that Himis don't have that.

Now when some one Breeds a Roan guinea pig to a roan guinea pig theyget a deformed pig, blind, deaf, have or have no teeth, may die atbirth to few days to few yrs depending on what is wrong with them.

I will pm pam nock about this as well.
Hi Angel,
The peanut is the most common lethal gene.
There is also the max factor gene (NetherlandDwarfs, or any breed with Netherland Dwarfs in them), paralytic tremors(most commonly in hares), spina bifida (Dutch), bupthalmia,brachydactyly, polydactyl, many heart diseases, mandibular prognathism,hydrocephalus, yellow fat, hypogonadia, hemolytic anemia and probablyhundreds of others : )

Thanks Pam,

I have replied to your email again as well.

That is the basic I need to start with then I am going to try and findsome good links that have resources to add on my site too.

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