Looking for a good crock or bowl for water.

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Active Member
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
Long story short, I've been using a dish forLittle Guy's water since he hasn't drank out of the water bottle inmonths. He goes into the cage to do his business, and that's about it.I was wondering if anyone knows of any good crocks or very low bowlsfor water. I see bowls at pet stores and online pet supply places, butthey always look too high.

Anyone ever use something like this?It's called a pet fountain. It seems rather big, but it is on a bunny supply site.


Any suggestions on a nice low bowl perhaps? Thanks.
I use small, heavy ceramic bowls made for smalldogs. My tiny 2 lb bun has no problem drinking fromthem. They're easy to clean and heavy enough that they can'tpush them around.
You could try something likethis
.Ceramic is kinda heavy, but a bun could spill it if they wantedto. :shock:
Clobbersaurus wrote:
Anyone ever use something like this?It's called a pet fountain. It seems rather big, but it is on a bunny supply site.


I bought something like that and I used it for about 10 minutes before I chucked it into storage.

Misty binkiedand knocked the back part off first thing, whichcaused water to spill all overthe floor. And nowit's not only a bowl of water, but a small lake.

Then she pooped in the drinking area, but instead of throwing out asmall bowl, I had to cart over the fountain to the sink - while itcontinued to pour water as it splashed out the side.

I'm sure it would have worked great, but I got frustrated with it andjust got a regular bowl from my dishes. They put their paws up on theside of the dish if it is a little too high.

Thanks for the replies. The reason I wantedsomething low was because I thought those ceramic bowlsmightbetoo high. But maybe I was just worrying about it too much.Thanks everyone! :)

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