Long Island/NYC here I come!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
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Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Well on Sunday I head off to Syosset, Long Island for a week, then to NYC for a few days.

I'll be working on Long Island and then vacationing in NYC. I'm sure 2.5 daysis not enough time to even touch the wonders of NYC but if anyone has any tips, I'd mighty appreciate it!
Oh wow!! Have fun!! I don't have any tips, really, as I haven't been there since I was a little girl (Em's age), but oh, I remember it well...it was wonderful. And since you're going near the holiday seasons, you might just get to see beautiful NYC all wrapped up for the holidays!! :D
Heres a tip- you need to have them send you to the Midwest :)

Ive never been to New York- have fun! Are you going alone?
Get a pocket map of the city...they have them in the general stores of the train stations, I'm sure you can find them in book stores too. The maps have the entire area of manhattan with the major attractions (museums etc) and a map of the subway system which makes it really easy. If you're taking the subway multiple times in a day, you get a fun-pass (something along those lines) for like $7 instead of paying for each ride.
I'm sooooo jealous :eek:) You're going to have a BLAST! I haven't been there in 7yrs but I wish I could go back!!

I can't imagine how beautiful it'll look decorated for Christmas :eek:)!!!!!

-my family always goes to Chicago during Christmas season...it's breathtaking!
Oh man, do I miss the city. I lived in upstate for 16 years and we would go to the city sometimes.

Oh man, do I just miss New York :(!
See a Broadway play if you can!!

I'd also demand a horse drawn carriage ride through Central Park!!

A city tour...like Greyline....is a lot of fun too!
Or a Circleline water-cruise around Manhattan! Maybe a dinner cruise!!!!!

Spend money!!! And plan on the city being open 24/7. It's great!!!! You can get anything anytime!
Oh-OH! Jordiwes won't be able to see a Broadway play!!! The Stagehands are on strike and closed down most of the stage plays!!!! (There are a few off-Broadway plays still going on...) There is still plenty of cool things to do in New York City though!
Thanks everyone. I made it here in one piece.

What luck! The script writers are on strike so I can't see my Daily Show, and now I can't see Broadway plays?!?!?

Oh well! There is still so much to see I'm sure.

Miss the critters already...

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