Loki the Bunny Trickster and Lily the Diva Bun

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HAHA!! Peg, that's SO FUNNY that Drew did that...I wouldn't expect anything different from the little Spunkidoodle!!

And about the boys...don't worry, Peg...we'll handle it somehow. We can clip the litterbox for Bun Bun, and for the other two...well, we'll all work together to figure out what they prefer in that...:D

So how goes the litterbox training?

I have to share about Tiny....I'm trying to retrain him....he's picked up really BAD BAD habits since Amy's bunnies have been here - and also when I had bucks in cages in the living room - and its largely due to territorial issues...plus his big bum.

So I got him an underbed storage thing - I mean its what - 4 feet long and 20" wide or something?

Will he use it?


I put him in it once and he hated it. Then I started to fuss at him when he started to poo somewhere and he went to jump in it - and he slid to the other end.

Now he won't go near the darn thing.

Today we got him something bigger that we think will work - it is a feed thingy that is black rubber for horses - same as his old litter box but bigger. Art cut down the sides - now to retrain my big guy.

My point? It could be worse...she could do a nose dive/slide in her litter box and refuse to go near it again....(It almost looked as if Tiny was sledding except for the terror in his eyes).

It's going better! In the smaller cage she is having fewer and fewer accidents. She's using the litterbox more for the pee. She's pooing outside of the box now but that is more manageable.

Actually, I'm a little worried right now. I know I posted a freak out blog a little while ago about her sneezing so I didn't want to do that again. She's not eating as much. Almost nothing. The past few days she's hardly eaten any of her pellets. She eats her greens and hay though. She moves around and drinks water. Her tummy isnt hard or gurgling. I don't know if she's just having one of those days or what but it is REALLY worrying me.


How is Loki's eating? Is it a new bag of feed? Old bag of feed?

If she's eating hay and drinking water - I wouldn't stress too much - and if she takes a treat I wouldn't worry.

I don't know about where you are in TX - but here we're cold then hot then cold then warmer then cold....nothing will settle as far as the temps go. A number of my rabbits aren't eating as much as usual - but they still have poops and are still drinking...I think they're sort of waiting for the weather to settle.

Biggest thing (in my humble opinion) to watch for is the poops and the drinking. If she's doing both - I wouldn't get too stressed.

It's a new bag, just got it maybe a week ago. Loki is ripping into it just like always. He's a piggy! :biggrin2:

Yeah the weather here is being crazy! I wish it would just stay cold now! Maybe that's it. She's drinking and pooping fine so hopefully this will just pass.

Don't be scared to get her spayed. Of course it is surgery and there are risks. But wouldn't it be worse to worry all her life about cancer? I know when you get the money you will be able to do it, for her own good.
First off, Binkies! You're so crazy! You went on a posting spree!!! LOL!:biggrin2:

Thank you for the reassurance. I know what I have to do and yeah. I do worry about her getting cancer. :( Next year will be kinder to me (fingers crossed) money-wise.


binkies wrote:
Don't be scared to get her spayed. Of course it is surgery and there are risks. But wouldn't it be worse to worry all her life about cancer? I know when you get the money you will be able to do it, for her own good.
How's Miss Lily doing now for eating? Has she started to eat more?

I can't believe how much she has come out of her shell...I'm so happy about that. I hope she becomes more affectionate with you as time goes on.

Little Miss Lily is doing so much better! She's eating her whole pellet portion and all of her hay. Drinking all of her water. Just being her bratty old self! :biggrin2:


TinysMom wrote:
How's Miss Lily doing now for eating? Has she started to eat more?

I can't believe how much she has come out of her shell...I'm so happy about that. I hope she becomes more affectionate with you as time goes on.

I know! I've been bad. :( I promise to get some pictures up soon. My room is in total disarray because I am painting my room....again. haha! I also just got back from a two week trip to Fort Worth.

I'm going to create a 2008 thread with pics to follow! PROMISE!

We need UPDATES to your blog - not only to hear about your bunnies - but to hear about how you like teaching (aren't you teaching now??)
Wow... It's been soooo long since I posted here. I've missed posts by you guys. So sorry. I'm going to try to get some pictures this holiday week. I've been having some health problems so I've neglected the pictures (not the rabbits). I think tomorrow will be nice to take the rabbits out. Need to borrow my sister's camera cuz mine is dead for good. Maybe I'll buy myself one for Christmas.

Peg, yup! I'm a teacher. This is my second year as a fourth grade math teacher. Lots of ups and downs and I want to go back to school soon. Might be moving up to Fort Worth in the next two years. TCU is looking mighty nice for grad school.

AngelnSnuggy, I'm so sorry I haven't given you your fix of Loki. How is Snuggy doing these days?

myLoki wrote:
AngelnSnuggy, I'm so sorry I haven't given you your fix of Loki. How is Snuggy doing these days?



You'd better post soon! Haha, how have you been? Snuffy is doing well! I will send you a pic!

Happy Thanksgiving!:hug:
OMG! First of all - you're even prettier than you were when we met (and you were gorgeous then).

But Lily is.....are you sure she's not part sheep-dog? WOW....I've seen teddies for lionheads but she um...yeah....she really took it to the extreme.

And Loki....can I steal him?

Oh wait - I have tort lop bucks...I guess I should let you keep him.

But he can wait out the hurricane at my place!!!! :D

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