Loki the Bunny Trickster and Lily the Diva Bun

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Well, I had a nice long post and the internets ate it. :whatever

We had outside day today. It's finally getting cool enough to have a romp in the grass. Camera died before I could get some Lily pics so maybe next weekend it's Lily's turn to be the star.

Look, Mommy! I'm a chill bun.

Nothing bothers me!

I like it out here. Lots of soft grass and cool dirt!

This is my tree by the way.

I will guard it with my life.

My cuteness will deter any enemy!

I don't even have to lift a toe.

I don't even feel like holding my head up anymore. Too tiring...

Oh boy, have I missed out on YOUR BLOG!!

What cutie-pah-tooties!! I just love how adorable they are from EVERY angle! :)

Even when they're givin' the butt...hehe!!

Love and hugs to you and yours!

Awww .... They only had a little bit of outside time today. Mommy was tired from work today. As you will see in the pictures, Loki is free to roam around the lawn because he never leaves the grass. Like..........ever. haha! Lily has to stay in her pen because she will bolt first chance she gets. :p

It's so hard to get a good picture of her. Something about her white fur just doesn't like the camera.


She's so pretty!


I think it's mine Mom.

Pictures don't do her justice.

Giving each other the bunny butt.

She's a lazy girl. :)

She needs to cut her bangs.

I like the grass Mom.

Those rocks look ouchy!

But this grass is just right for flopping.

Ignore him Mom. He's so full of himself.

I've got the windblown look.

*munch* *munch* *munch*

She's so big! I can't believe she related to little Drew.

Ready for launch!

Great binky photo!

We're a couple of cool cats!

Yes. She's under there somewhere. :p And NO!!! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!!!!!!!:disgust:
ON GUARD!:duel


Haley wrote:
Is there a bunny under all that fur?! :biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2:

I want them both :)
Peg, I've got a question for ya now. Anyone else that has an idea is welcome to answer.

Lily is quickly approaching her 8 month birthday. Will she loose her fluffiness? :pullhair: She hasn't shed at all since she's been with me. Not a full blown shed like Loki. Should she have?


You could always shave her. lol :embarrassed:

I know a lady who has a lionhead who had no mane or fluff until he was about a year and then he shed so bad she thought he had mites and viola!- the coat came in with a beautiful mane. So anything can happen ;)
I've been trying to figure out the best way to say this after thinking about it a bit.

Here is probably the best I can say. When I first posted the RIGHT pics of Lily for you - I don't think she'd "poofed" yet. Some lionheads get a coat that poofs like hers is....sometimes it comes in later than hers did - sometimes it comes in when hers did.

Sometimes - they molt out of it and sometimes they don't. Sometimes they'll molt out of it after a year or so - and sometimes they just never molt out of it.

The thing is....her mom and her dad don't have a coat like that and neither do her littermates. Dusty, Drew & Bun Bun have all mostly lost their manes (Drew has a bit more than the guys do I think). I think this is because mom is a single-mane doe. So I'm sort of shocked at how she poofed....I do have other does like that and some (most) have stayed that way.

I suspect she may stay all poofy like that....and I really don't know why - because had either of her parents given me babies like that before - I would not have bred them. All I can think of is that there is something about the way their genes came together that made that type of coat.

I say all this to say, "I wouldn't worry about it...." - she may keep that coat or she may molt out of it. I'm guessing she has a good chance of keeping it - but in a year or so you may look at her one day and realize, "hey...she's not so poofy anymore..".

I wish she showed more of a distinct mane though. The ones that are like that - when and if they do molt out of it - tend to keep their manes.....so there is still hope.

P.S. I think she's adorable like that - I have some others from a doe that gives me fuzzy babies like that and I love them - I would just never show them or try to pass them on to other breeders....

myLoki wrote:
Peg, I've got a question for ya now. Anyone else that has an idea is welcome to answer.

Lily is quickly approaching her 8 month birthday. Will she loose her fluffiness? :pullhair: She hasn't shed at all since she's been with me. Not a full blown shed like Loki. Should she have?


*GASP!!* Yeah, if ya wanna transport a honking chainsaw with fur! Hehe!!

Flower says, "Yeah...just TRYYYY to move me..."


"Besides, I'm hiding and you can't see me!"


I have sooo been meaning to reply to this. I cannot get over how much Loki looks like my Snuff:shock:. I love the outside pics of him, all of them:). I always love Loki pics though;).

Lily is looking quite beautiful herself.:D

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