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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
hey, just wondering what types of litter you guys use, wondering what you think is best. the stuff i am using now is kinda expensive so i am looking for a possible alternative. thanks!
I loooove wood pellet litter. The brand I use is ABM, but there are lots of other brands available. It's really cheap if you get it from a feed store. Sometimes they're labeled as horse stall bedding. If you can't get to a feed store then Feline Pine is the same thing just more expensive. You can also use wood stove pellets as long as they don't have excellerants added. Some of these smell stronger too.
Feline Pine, though I'm open to a similar, cheaper route..

I tried Carefresh, but don't care for it.
i use yesterday's news. it's cheap ($6 for a 2wk supply for one bun) and can be found in a lot of places, even grocery stores b/c it is a cat litter. plus it makes me feel good to use a recycled product. i used carefresh once, but it was really expensive and kinda smelled, i thought.
I HATE carefresh. Yes, it's nice for animals who need to be on a soft bedding - and it is absorbant but it also stays wet where it is. It's like wet tissue paper. EWWW.

I use woodypet. I love it - The only issue I have is that it's hard to purchase here now. I have to drive about 1/2 hour one way to get it. I buy several bags when I go LOL! I used to be able to get it at Tractor Supply. They do carry Equine pellet bedding but I hate that stuff too. It's similar but not Woodypet.

Bo has had trouble with his hocks and the way he has decided to go potty on the place where he jumps down from his top level - I had to put a box there. So, that wasn't a good thing. I got some of the plastic canvas that PB promotes well and it's made a huge difference!
I use Yesterday's News as well, have used it for over 6 years. I love it and the buns love it, or like it:?:p.

Seriously, I do like it. Absorbs well;). I have never had an issue with something strange in it either:?.
I use Feline Pine but I'm switching to Yesterday's news as soon as this bag is gone. It works great and has good odor control but it becomes sawdust when it gets wet and the small particles are not good for my allergies.

recent yesterday's news convert!

i like wood pellet bedding, but i think it has a smell to it, i don't like in my room (mainly woody pet . . . that stuff smells terrible!)
Wood pellets for Pebbles.

Paper napkins for Bebe. Bebe refuses to use the litter box and pees in the corners of her cage, so I have to wipe it up. I thought maybe she might calm down after her spay, but looks like I'm going to have to litter train her. By the way she is 4 years old.
The only time I tried Yesterday's News, I didn't like it because it was very dark and I couldn't keep a close eye on the bunny poops, a key health monitor.

Didn't think it smelled that great, either, but I could live with that.

Are they always a very dark colour?

sas :?
I've been using Carefresh for years and swear by it. I usually order it in bulk and pay about $12.50 per 50 liter bag. I tried Yesterday's News, but Sparky liked to dig in the litter and could send those YN pellets across the room!

It does stay wet where they pee, but I either mix up the litter a couple of times a day or put down a layer of new litter on the wet spot.
i was using yesterdays news and care fresh, between the guinea pig bedding, litter pans, and the rabbits litter. 19.99 for each and i was going through one bag of carefresh a week to week and a half, and YN every 1 1/2 to two weeks. monthly it was killing me i was putting out at least 80.00 a month for bedding stuff, so i switched everyone over to Equine Pine and it works really well. it is horse stall bedding, the only thing i dont like about it iswhen it gets wet it breaks down and i worry about the dust created by it, and when the buns jump out of the box it gets on the coroplast and it is a fine dusty stuff. but so far so good. for a 40 lb bag it is 6.39 and i go through about 2-3 bags in a month so itis saving me a ton of money............

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